My baby hit the double digits today, he's 10.
He'll only get older...
As will I.
I want time to stand still. I like things the way they are.
I'm not ready for girlfriends, driver's licenses, graduation, more surging male hormones, or another set of deadly stinky feet.
I like Drew being 10. He's still cuddly, yet independent.
I like Max being 13. He's maturing yet has a child-like love of life.
I like Clint being 17. He's becoming independent yet still wants to be a part of our family.
Three things I'm thankful for:
1. The kids willingness to help clean our house tonight. At 11 pm, when it FINALLY cooled down, they washed, dried and put away all the pots and pans, took out the garbage, washed the kitchen and famiy room floors, dusted the living room and vacuumed all the rugs. I am a lucky woman.
2. Our "summer" friends at the lake who make us feel loved and missed. "Where have you been all summer? How was your year? Spiritually, how are you doing?"
3. All the electrical outlets in my yard. (Roughly every two feet...) I covered the plum tree in Christmas lights tonight and it looks so cheerful.
One thing to growl about:
Big fat spiders who think they can share living space with me.
Take care
(By the way, you can waste valuable time doing those assinine quizzes too. Let me know which movie you should be in.)
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