Thursday, September 23, 2004

Survey says...

Last Cigarette: I've never smoked. Virgin lungs. Pure.

Last Alcoholic Drink: 1981 - A sip of beer at Labatt's Brewery, doing a survey for a marketing research class.

Last Car Ride: I took Clint to Mark's 6 hours ago.

Last Kiss: Sigh. What a boring survey this is... I can't remember my last (real, open-mouth, from the heart) kiss. It was years ago. Many many years ago. But probably in the kitchen. There's something very sexy about a man with dish-pan hands...

Last Good Cry: I cried during Pricess Diaries 2. But I wouldn't call it a "good" cry. I'm due for one of those any day now. Maybe next week?

Last Library Book: I just returned it, three weeks overdue. Found it under Max's bed. "Catcher in the Rye."

Last book bought: The Element of Style ( a writing book)

Last Book Read: Satisfied Stranger by Lindsay Roberts (a writer in my writer's group)

Last Movie Seen in Theatres: Vanity Fair with Reese Witherspoon. Save your money. Don't even bother renting it.

Last Movie Rented: Miracle (the hockey movie) with Kurt Russell. Watched it with Drew, snuggled on the couch eating popcorn with cheddar cheese powder sprinkled on top.

Last Cuss Word Uttered: Shit. (Maybe more like: SHIT!)

Last Beverage Drank: Water

Last Food Consumed: Cheese biscuits warm from the oven with a dab of butter and a cup of tea. Gotta love those dinners when the kids are with their dad...

Last Crush: John.

Last Phone Call: Denise called just as Survivor ended. Who got imunity, the guys or the girls? Who got voted off?

Last TV Show Watched: Ugh. After the Apprentice I didn't bother changing the channel, so I ended up watching "Without a Trace". If I had know it was E.R.'s season opener...

Last Time Showered: Yesterday. Today's bath day. I alternate.

Last Shoes Worn: Runners. Shoot they smell after being on my feet for 16 hours. I had to put them in the garage.

Last CD Played: Beastie Boys. In the truck. Not my choice.

Last Item Bought: Ice cream and brownies for the youth group that was meeting at my place last night.

Last Download: This survey

Last Annoyance: Misplaced papers. I'm sure I put that envelope in the basket next to the front door.

Last Disappointment: Where do I start? My inability to find employment. My inability to eat sensibly. That I missed ER. That my internet connection gets cut off every 7 minutes or so, and I've put up with that for almost a year.

Last Soda Drank: Cream Soda

Last Thing Written: Cream Soda
Before that it was a e-mail to my sister, responding to her response to my blog. She agrees that I was spoiled.

Last Words Spoken: "k, see ya later. Bye." or something like that.

Last Sleep: last night. Duh.

Last Ice Cream Eaten: a slice of DQ ice cream cake on Sept 1 at the Ellis's

Last Chair Sat In: Well, this one...the one at my computer. Before that it was the rocking chair in front of the TV.

Last Webpage Visited: My blog. Time to update.

(By the way, the crush? John?
John Depp. and John Cusack. They each own a slice of my heart.)

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