Friday, October 15, 2004

21 years ago today

Despite my best efforts, I can’t alter the significance of this day.
A couple years ago I decided that Oct 14 would no longer carry the stigma of being my wedding anniversary. It would be the day I learned to swim, bowled a perfect game, ran a marathon, won a lottery, got a job, lost a pound, shaved my eyebrows, won an award, got arrested for disorderly conduct… something. Anything.

It’s not that easy.
No thing I have done on Oct 14 is as big as getting married.

Can’t change that fact. Might as well accept it.

Although this year Oct 14 is the day I made an appointment for another job interview. And I learned about exposure in my photography class. And I thought about losing a pound or 50. And I … nah. Getting’ hitched is huge. Can’t erase that. Or compete with it.

Glad it’s over.

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