Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Three things I'm thankful for: Posted by Hello
1. Craft Night. Nothing like snipping, gluing, chatting and creating to bring balance to a life being dominated by fundraising.
2. Writer's Conferences. Nothing like taking classes from Diana Gabaldon, Michael Slade, and Donald Maas to inspire and encourage this amateur blogger to do more than write lists of things I'm thankful for.
3. Photography Classes. Nothing like viewing photos taken by professionals to light the fire in my shutter finger.

If you can't bite, then don't show your teeth.
Yiddish Proverb

Take care,

1 comment:

JSY said...

HEY! Did YOU take this photo, too? I want a copy...add it to my list. Speaking of inspiration, what are you gonna write about? I wanna see it.........
