Tuesday, December 7, 2004

How To Love Your Family

Posted by Hello
Uh huh. That's snow on the mountain. Yup. Mandi is wearing a tank top.
You tell her.

Crafting night at my place this evening. Stole this 'scrapbooking' sentiment:
How to love your family…
Teach kindness
Share feelings...
Make loving safe…
Dress up for tea...
Have peanut butter picnics...
Don’t yell...
Tango in the moonlight...
Wish upon a star...
Surprise them with ice cream...
Plant jelly beans in your garden...
Sing Jesus Loves Me out loud with joy...
Plan a trip to the moon...
Cry during movies...
Encourage silly...
Carry lots of band-aids...
Take daffodils to grandma...
Laugh at yourself...
Share a wishbone...
Be kind to one another...
Make happy face pancakes...
Celebrate everything...
Ride bicycles into the sunset...
Feel their aches...
Celebrate their joys...
Say yes as often as possible...
Whisper secrets...
Handle with TLC...
Teach them to reach for the stars...
Love them...
Learn from them...
Be there.
Be there.
Be there.
Patsy Gaut

Plus a few of my own:
Kidnap them at midnight and go out for a hot chocolate...
Have a warm-from-the dryer towel ready when they get out of the shower...
Buy a DQ Treatza Pizza in the middle of the week, just because...
On Christmas Eve, go for a walk through the neighbourhood after everyone else is in bed...
Pray together a couple times a week...
Always be planning something to look forward to...

Take care,

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