Friday, December 10, 2004


Posted by Hello
Got this e-mail first thing this morning from Max's English teacher...

Several groups of students in my English 9 class entered the "create a newspaper" contest for the Vancouver Sun earlier this year. In the senior category, which included grades 8s all the way up to Journalism 12 students from throughout the lower mainland, The FUNDIE ADVANCE won top prize - $500 cash and a free class trip on an old time trolley car to STORYEUM museum in Gastown. I believe that part of the student's paper will also be published in the Sun - I'll keep you posted!
Publisher: Max O,
Reporter ES,
Copy Editor TE,
and Graphic Designer GS are to be congratulated on their win!

The local "Advance" newspaper was called, photos were taken and the winning students were interviewed for a story that will likely be in next week's Tuesday edition.

"Hey mom..." Max said with a smile. "I'm getting published before you. Wierd, eh?"

He plans to spend his 1/4 of the $500 prize on candy necklaces and vanilla coke.

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