Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Off again...

Posted by Hello
You know how before you head out for a trip, you want your house to be all clean and shiny? And you get uptight about the dishes getting done, the garbage taken out, the moldy science project moved, the muddy floors swiffered, the toilets sanitized, the sidewalk shoveled...

And ya know how before a youth group comes over to your house you want the Christmas stuff put away? In an organized fashion, preferrably in labeled containers...

And you know how, if you take a day off, everything really piles up at the office? And your middle of the month chores get lost in the shuffle, and the new stuff your learning goes in one ear and gets lost...

And ya know how, as your kids get older, you hope they can pack their own gear? And you haven't factored in a spare minute to check their bags, but you know Max is probably bringing 6 pairs of boxers , 14 t-shirts and no extra socks...

And you know how, if you go away two weekends in a row, none of your regular "weekend type stuff" gets done? Like laundry, for example. A big example...

And you know how, if you're the key communications person on a school fundraising team, and you've planned two more events, how you pretty much have to spend an hour or two on the computer the night before you get away, making sure everyone has been communicated with?

And you know how, when you've been on the go since the crack of dawn, and haven't had a chance to just sit and relax, that when you finally take a breathing spell, the first thing you want to do is blog?

I'm the only one?

Anyway, I'm off for a long weekend. We're joining another family of boys to spend a few days in -28 degree weather. The kids will snowboard. I will not. We will all have fun.

Take care,

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