Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Return to Sender

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Drew made a card for Todd Bertuzzi (of the Vancouver Canuck's). He wanted to wish him a Merry Christmas and let him know we've been praying for him. It was a sweet bit of correspondence, completely instigated by a 10 year old who's missing a season of hockey. He looked up Todd's address on Telus's online "Phone Book". Unfortunatley it was desperately incomplete.
The card was returned to us today.
Kinda sad.

1 comment:

ramblin'andie said...

awwwww, he must have been so disappointed. You'd think Canada Post would have forwarded it (like they do for Santa's letters).

Kinda reminds me of a WestWing episode from Season Three though. You'll know it when you get to it.