Monday, April 18, 2005

Jane the Jock

"The route is sprinkled with gentle, undulating hills. The scenery will include snow-capped mountains along Georgia, leafy greenery in Stanley Park, the breathtaking water view at English Bay, and bridge views of English Bay and False Creek. "

Oh. Was I supposed to be looking at scenery? I don't think I noticed a single snow-capped mountain.
Lynne and I were still parking ($15 for 4 hours! Highway robbery, I tell you) when the elite runners left the starting line. By the time we found our way to the starting point, we had already clocked 2 kilometers. I think our shoe tags started to sing at around 10 am, indicating we were officially off & running. Or in our case, sauntering.

We talked about my Europe trip, our churches, the dating habits of today's teens, school policies, and before you knew it, our shoe tags were buzzing again.

Just like that it was over.

A totally enjoyable way to lose a calorie or two.

But the best part? Walking past those water stations, grabbing cups of water, gulping 'em down, then tossing (tossing! talk about going against all mommy instincts) the empty cups on the ground.
Someone else's mother is gonna clean em up. I didn't have to, cuz, like, I'm an athlete.


Anonymous said...

Way to go... I'm so proud of you. You put a lot of us to shame. Maybe I'll try to join you next year... Love you, Mom

Christine said...

Oh, so cool, I'm totally amazed that you did that. Way-ta-go. And very humorously put. 'Shoe tags singing.'

Anonymous said...

Thanks for adding this to your blog. I too had a great time walking with you and was pumped to see our names in the Vancouver Sun the next day. We did good chicky! Let's walk Murrayville sometime just for the heck of it. (I hope your ear is better though, cause I got a crick in ma neck from always being on yer good side!)Thanks for the great convos and advice too.