Monday, December 26, 2005

Can you read that? Why is it so dark? Is the print really small? Anybody got an extra pair of reading glasses?

As far as Christmases go, the 2005 edition was pretty darned wonderful.
In my house, we woke up at 11:50 am.
"Mom?" Drew whispered sleepily from the doorway to my bedroom. "Do you think we should get up?"
I looked over at the clock and groaned. "Yup. And we are going to have to rush once we get our act together."

The kids enjoyed this year's version of the Stocking Treaure Hunt. "That was a really good idea," Clint said while sorting through his loot.
We opened our gifts to each other in record time (in case you're wondering, I got some camera lenses from Clint, a convection toaster oven from Max and black wooden alphabet letters (L.O.V.E) for the wall from Drewbs.)
From that point on we were under pressure to leave the house by 1:30pm.
"Get ready."
"We have to go."
"Come on."
"You can play with that later."
And so on and so forth for an hour.

Eventually we left. And surprisingly were not the last to arrive at the cabin.
Presents were opened.
Packaging was cleaned up. (Burnt)
Food was consumed in massive quantities.
And fun was had.

We had a few "extra's" this year (Sarah's friend, David. Clint's friend, Madisen. My cousin from Germany's 19 year old daughter, Persis. And The Weg-fam and James's roommate, Dave.)
The kids sorted themselves out while us adults sat around the small table and played games.

It was a perfect day.

I was the last adult to go to bed at 2:00 am. Just before I went upstairs, Max walked past the small table and said, "you sure can tell this is where the old people sat tonight. Look at this - a hot water bottle, half a dozen pairs of reading glasses (my dad has a stash in the drawer under the phone. We all borrowed a pair), record albums from the '60's and Yahtzee dice."

Three things I'm thankful for:
1. A family that likes to play games
2. A cabin that comfortably holds 25 people
3. A younger generation of cousins that enjoy each other's company.

And Christmas. I'm thankful for Christmas.

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