Of course, unless you are sitting at my desk, you'd miss the writing on the wall..
Four on Friday
Q1 - Co-Workers: Do the people you work with tend to be younger than you, the same age as you, or older than you? How do the differences in age or generations play themselves out in your work environment?
A1 - Senior Management is roughly the same age as me. But their offices are at the front. They have doors and windows and Ikea desks. I work in the back with the kids. Well, I think of them as kids. If I'd started having babies right after high school they could be mine. I supply them with candy. And beg for their help with all the tech difficulties I run into. I really can't say much more ... except I love working with them all. Most of the kids now have blogs. And they read mine. Hi Shelaine.
Check out Jer's new blog...it's political, so don't expect too much by the way of true confessions or deep feelings: www.oneofmanyvoices.blogspot.com
Q2 - If the cable industry were to offer it, how many channels do you think you'd choose to subscribe to a la carte? (Only pay for the channels you actually use.)
I am so not a TV watcher... My guess would be 12 channels.
My kids's desire would be 112.
Q3 - Eating Out: After receiving the bill for a great meal in a restaurant you'd been dying to try, you notice that your waiter neglected to charge for one of the items you ordered and happily devoured. Would you... tell the waiter, not tell the waiter but leave a larger tip than called for, or not do anything? Would your answer be different if the meal or service really sucked?
Unfortunately I would never know if I had been charged or not as I never double check the bill. Any man reading this is probably shuddering right now. Heh. And so it is that again today I am glad I am not married.
However, I'd like to think that if I was thorough enough to check the bill, I'd also be honest enough to point out the discrepancy. Integrity man, that's the goal. To do the right thing even if no one's looking.
Q4 - Business Cards: Do you have one? If so, how often do you hand yours out verses receiving them from others?
Oh yes, indeed I do have a business card. A whole box of them. Want one? I always forget to hand them out. Always forget to ask for them too. So it's even.
Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Another glorious day. I finished weeding the area from the driveway to the far side of the house. It looks wonderful. I keep opening the front door and looking out. I've asked all the kids to agree how nice it looks. My sister dropped off Zac for a long weekend, and I made her get out of the van and look. Closely. She couldn't escape until she too commented on it's loveliness.
2. One more day. Just one. And then the weekend is here. I love the anticipation that fills this house on Thursday nights.
3. It's midnight. I've got three starving teenage boys looking for a meal. Real food. "Make something, mom. Geeze. We're hungry." I'm thankful that someday they'll appreciate me. Because yes. I am going to make grilled cheese sandwiches and Lipton's Chicken Noodle Soup. I am a mom. And this is what I do.
I do the same, when I weed the garden -- keep looking outside. I feel the same about the 'kids' I work with. Luv it when they move up in the firm -- way past me, but I still think of them as little kids and offer to wipe their noses. Or threaten to. They let me away with murder. :)
yes. hi jane ;)
love working with you too... when i work :)
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