Monday, February 20, 2006

Finished. Book # 9

So he exagerated. And embellished. And added a few details for interest's sake.
Writers are wont to do that occasionally.
Ask my kids. Not that I'm a writer or anything, but I've been known to alter stories a tad to protect the not-so-innocent and prevent the reader from nodding off out of boredom.

His book (and my blog) are based on a true story.

Now that that's cleared up...
it was a difficult book to read. Descriptions of addictions, abuse and rehab are gut wrenching.
But it had my hooked til the end. Stayed up last night til 3:00 to finish it.
Tempted to pick up the sequel, "My best friend, Leonard."

Of all the books I've read recently, I think this one will sit on my mind for awhile.
A long while.

1 comment:

Felice said...

I agree...big deal that he expanded the truth a little. I think it was stupid of Oprah to chastise him the way she did on her show. There are way more important issues and 'wrong doings' to expose out there.