Friday, March 17, 2006

...a few things that matter...

"Life is sacred: live it on purpose

Be intoxicated with this world - and astonished with the world you imagine

Growth is a journey

Success doesn't require arrival

Want what you already hold

Delight in your friends

Practice the art of doing nothing

Embrace moments of grace

Give the child in you a wide open sky

Understand that laughter is prayer"

from something frame-able that I bought at the street fair last night.
A collaboration of terry hershely and maryanne radmacher

There are people I am vacationing with that are choosing to spend this last sunny Palm Springs day shopping.
If you need me, I can be found poolside, wearing my $10 sunglasses reading the novel that I started on my first day.
'pert near everyone else will be at the local Costco or Ross - Dress for less.


Three things I'm thankful for:
1. That I share a room with Drew. He and I have been watching late night DVD's in bed. Last night it was "Fever Pitch". Fun movie.

2. That despite weather reports, we have sunshine. Warm, glorious, life-giving sunshine.

3. That I am not a penguin. (Watched March of the Penguins with Drew the night before last.)


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