Monday, March 13, 2006

Live fom Palm Springs

If a picture says a thousand words, I'm going to have to write out a thousand words.
I cannot get photo images to upload.

Last night it took me over an hour to figger out how to get the pictures off my camera and ontothis laptop. I've wasted a good portion of this morning trying to upload the photos from the harddrive to blogger.

My blondeness is interferring with my superior intelligence. My head is in obvious conflict.


Our journey south took 8 extra hours due to adverse weather and extreme driving conditions, to make a gross understatement. We limped through a white out blizzard requiring us to purchase (and install) chains in freezing temperatures while wearing boarding shorts and t-shirts.

Two hours from Palm Springs, while in the middle of the Mojave desert, our visibility was decreased to 3 inches due to the effects of global warming. The Joshua Trees were covered in snow.
There is something seriously wrong with that. In our vehicle, the intellectual one, the 'chick mobile', we had deep, meaningful, insightful conversations about the end times and how we were sure this freak snow storm in the middle of the desert was likely the fullfilment of an obscure old testament prophecy found in Nahum.

I just read that paragraph to Sandra with Emma listening. She said to mention that in addition to all the intelligent discussions we had in our van, we also had her along smelling it up with her farts. She is 10 and is proud of her contributions to out travel experience. How someone so cute can emit such foul air is a wonder.

OK. That's it for now. Will continue this novel later.

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