SHOOTOUT IN THE E.R. - Chaos strikes in County General when shots are fired and the gunmen get more and more desperate to make it out of the hospital. Dr. Kovac unknowingly puts himself in harms way while Abby is in the line of fire. Meanwhile, Pratt tries to help Neela as she attends Gallant's funeral.
But even bigger news than that.
Jeremy Huggins was here. (Here = Pixnprose.)
It's like having Martha Stewart drop by for tea. Only you're not home. So the kids let her in. And give her a glass of milk that's gone sour. And by the time you find out she was actually in your messy, totally not cleaned house, it's too late to do anything about it but just walk around and realize she saw all the sock balls, the dishes on the counter, the piles of kid-crap at the front door and the ring in the toilet bowl.
At some point you'll get over the embarassment, but in the meantime you keep finding things about your home that just don't measure up.
Yeah. So that's how that feels.
The map thingy...
Don't let the overcrowding that's happening on the West Coast stop you from joining the party. Poke your pushpin anywhere in BC - this isn't a Social Studies project. Geographical accuracy is not an element of this experiment.
Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Despite our mutual lack of enthusiam, Drew and I did manage to complete his Mexico report this afternoon instead of laying out in the sun.
2. Despite his ongoing lack of enthusiasm for all things educational, Max finished his assignments for Planning 10. Now if we could only get him to hand them in.
3. Two words: Casual Friday
Abby--she gets HURT! And she's bleeding! Meanwhile, Kovac has been hijacked by Sam's crazy ex-husband who is in the ER for his popped appendix stitches, only it's a PLOY to ESCAPE, and the dumb girl pretending to be an EMT trainee is actually in on it, and she gives Kovac some paralyzing drug and Sam has to try to keep him breathing, so she intubates, but OMIGAWSH, they take her with when they make their daring escape and poor Luka is taped to a gurney, paralyzed, with a tube down his throat. And then he sees ABBY as she collapses, but he can't holler or anything because his vocal cords have a bloody TUBE running amongst them and he's strapped to the gurney and there are passed out/dead sheriff guys in the room with him but they're out cold and completely worthless...and the DAMN SEASON ENDS with a very pregnant Abby slumped on the floor, unconscious in a pool of blood that is probably coming from the disrupted placentia she undoubtedly suffered during the flop-to-the-floor shootout.
Neela is crying; Ray is in love with Neela; Carrie Weaver miraculously can WALK all of a sudden; Dr. Pratt is a humbled guy trying to help Neela; and Sam is in the back of the van with her CRAZED ex-husband The Convict, who has also managed to hog-tie and abduct their son.
Phew...it's gonna be a LOOOOONG summer.
Oh, come on, now. I've been a regular visitor for over a month. AND, I have better facial hair than Martha, so you can't really make comparisons.
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