Friday, May 26, 2006

Twenty. Finished.

Does this woman do nothing but read you might be asking yourself...

Well, yeah, I do.
But because my access to/control of the TV is limited - and the crappy weather has eliminated the opportunity to work in the yard...I've been reading. Last weekend I had two on the go. One at the cabin and another at home.
I finished this one first because it had that element of "what happens next?" to it.

Loved the imagery of the colourful forest. And the diving into Elyon's love.
I'd give it an 8 out of 10.
And I will read the next book in the trilogy - "Red".

Three things that make me sad:
1. Tomorrow is the last Sports Day that one of my children will participate in. And I'm missing it.
2. Not one of my kids sees the value in education. All of them are content to "just pass".
3. Women who feel unworthy because they are not size 2.


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