Somehow it felt anticlimatic to transfer all that old food from the coolers into a brand-spankin-new appliance. Eggs. Oranges. Weiners.
My new fridge deserves something exotic, colourful, flavorful and daring. Like...those hairy eyeballs that Rachel was eating in Thailand. Yeah. That's what I'm talking about.
It's not a great photo of the fridge, but of the three, it's my favorite. I know moms are not supposed to have favorites - and we all say we love them the same ... but the fridge is especially sweet. The freezer is on the bottom! Do you know how this will transform my life? I'll never have to bend over to get a fruit or vegetable again. No food item will ever be ignored or forgotten again. That $85 per month I need to pay for these puppies? Easily I will make that in recovered food costs. Trust me. This is the greatest invention since laptops computers were introduced...
Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Clint
2. Max
3. Drew
1. Dishwasher
2. Refrigerator
3. Stove
1. Laptop
2. Camera
3. Wireless Internet
1. Long walks with talkative sons
2. Quick suppers with happy sons
3. Daydreaming with cooperative sons
PS There's a "Where's Waldo" surprise element to the two kitchen photos above. Can you see it?
Oh, and that Bible verse? Matthew 9:17
Is that a foot???
NICE appliances!! Very pretty in your kitchen too.
Ooooooh, spiffy black applicances. Very sexy.
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