One little, two little, three little indians ... ten little sun-lovin boys.
All of them, 'cept Drew, going into grade 12 in the fall.
A great Sunday afternoon.
On Monday my Writer's Group dropped by for an afternoon/evening of literary discussion. We may have gotten side tracked once or twice.
Today, Tuesday, my department from work came up for a "Creative Brainstorming Meeting". Storming of the brain did occur. And then we went to the golf course for lunch...
Drew and I are now home, not wanting to do laundry. Or unpack. Man I love summer.
Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Friends' kids who blog. Check these out:
Sandra's daughter: http://kaitlynnsworld.blogspot.com
Brita's son: http://www.bendoubroff.blogspot.com
These twenty year olds are uber-cool.
They blog.
Because I blog, I too am cool.
See how that works?
2. Wednesday is craft night. My house. The fun just never stops. Come on over. Bring your own glitter and glue.
3. I just picked up the new Oprah magazine. It's their first SUMMER READING ISSUE... 64 book recommendation, articles by Anne Lamott and Martha Beck AND an article written by a guy who tells us straight up how men really feel about breast implants.
(Drew, as he bounces around to Fat Bottomed Girls by Queen, using a hockey stick as an air guitar: "Hey, eleven year olds are cool too. I blog." )
1 comment:
ah jane. dear, faithful, night-owl jane. reading blogs is my connection to home, but few people blog semi-daily. you, my girl, are one of those few. also, due to the time difference, few people are prone to blogging during the hours that i am awake. if i check my series of blogs in the morning after a gruelling english class, i will have nothing to check in the evening after a gruelling english club, except for jane. thank you, for staying up late, and for putting your days down on...paper? RAM? bytes? i love you, jane.
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