I live in suburbia; in a neighbourhood with cul-de-sacs, sidewalks and streetlights.
This is what I have growing in my backyard:

I've been giving them away in large quantities to anyone who has ever said, even if it was just in kindness, "oh, these taste good..."
Plums. The blue ones. (The type that shrivel into prunes; if you look closely you can see two that are almost there.) My dad and mom like them. Anyone else?
But here's the thing with the pear and apple tree; they had originally been grafted and pruned in such a way that their branches grew horizontally and each branch grew a different varity of fruit. I couldn't get any good pics of the apple tree - too many spiders in the way- and I've got one set of branches producing green apples, one branch growing red apples and the third pair of branches has yellow apples on it.
Same is true of the pear tree. The above pears are Bartletts,
plus, on the same tree, I've got some funky red ones... (I don't know how to the fancy schmancy pruning, so the trees have gone all wild and sprouted way up. )Too high to pick the fruit:
That pear tree, when I bought my house, had one centre trunk that was only 5 feet high, with 3 sets of beautiful branches growing nicely along the back wall of the shed. It's unruley now. Sort of like my kids.
This is the other type of pear on that tree.
I couldn't resist.
The clematis that will cheer up my back patio. I took out the prickly climbing roses and will put this in their spot. Gorgeous, eh?
Why I bought plants for my yard I do not know. Because I am never leaving my room again.
I brought the spare table up from the family room...
and hooked my laptop up to the new set of killer speakers I picked up this afternoon with the gift certificate I had. (The sub woofer is on the floor.) I can put the laptop on a pillow on my lap and listen to my playlist come through those speakers sounding deep and rich. Oh but it is a wonderful thing.
New favorite worship song: Song to my King by Pocket Full of Rocks. (Heard it at Creation for the first time. Just bought the CD this afternoon. Val, I think you'd like it.) My playlist is on shuffle, so now "Go, go, go Joseph" is playing. I'm smiling. Next up will probably Abba. Another reason I'm glad I'm not married; I can listen to my dorky music mix without fear of judgement. That's worth something.
I got caught up in something today that went against everything I believe in.
Last Thursday when I was at the Youth Meeting, Max watched the first disk of the second season of Lost. I was disappointed as I want to watch the series with him. A bonding opportunity, so to speak.
Since then, him and Drew and sometimes Clint watch an episode or two after school - so I'm falling even farther behind.
Tonight while they watched the 4 th disk, I quit fighting it and just sat down and watched with them. Without watching the first three. Did you catch that? WITHOUT watching the first three. I don't do things out of order. EVER.
I fear I'm on a slippery slope headed towards a crash. Who knows what madness I will get caught up in next? The possibilities are endless.
But I could not resist watching Hurley. He asked Sayid for the radio that doesn't work. To hold above his head, in order to woo some chick new to the show this season.
I, of course, got the reference. I LOVED "Say Anything". (As has been well documented on this blog in earlier posts.) Sayid had no clue what Hurley was talking about so Hurley explained that very very hot scene where a trench coat clad John Cusak holds the ghetto blaster above his head playing the uber romantic "In Your Eyes" song by Pete Gabriel outside of his girlfriend's bedroom window.
So, now I've watched epidodes 17, 18, 19 and 20. What lunacy is this?
And more than anything, I want to watch Say Anything.
Out of control. I'm spinning out of control.
Three things I'm thankful for:
1. My bedroom. It's a wonderful place to be. Don Henley's singing right now, "Get Over It."
2. Flowering plants. 'Specially blue and purple ones.
3. After a 3 month haitus, I've rediscovered my track pants. Oh how I love thee.
Okay first off, I would love some of your fruit. Yep I like it all. Also, I know a little something about pruning so I'll bring my pruning gear and do it with you if you want. Second I love Pocket Full of Rocks!! They were great at Creation. By the way did you see me in the Mosh Pit that morning? It was so stinkin' HOT! OPh and I can't believe it but I like most of the same dorky music you do except I didn't know some of it. Okay well call me sometime.
ARE THOSE ITALIAN PLUMS!?!?!?! we have a tree of italian plums in our backyard, and they are the highlight of my year, but two years ago we over-pruned (apparently my papa doesn't know how to do the fancy schmancy pruning either) and we haven't seen a plum since.
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