Sunday, October 22, 2006

I'm Smiling...

Let the heavens rejoice.

Let the earth be glad.

Let the fields and everything in them be jubilant.

All the trees of the forest will sing for joy…
They will sing before the Lord.

Worship the Lord in the splendor of His Holiness
Tremble before Him all the earth

For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise
Psalm 96

Three things I'm thankful for:

1. Bosses who read blogs then send photo resizing links. This post made possible by CP.

2. The Parachute Band. They sang a song on Friday night that had some lines in it about trees singing for joy. And I knew THAT was what I had been photographing all month; trees singing for joy. I figgered their song was likely Psalm inspired, so a few minutes ago I grabbed the handiest Bible in my room (the One Year Bible) and randomly opened it. I found myself on April 26. The suggested Psalm for that day was Psalm 96.

Cue Twilight Zone music.

3. That God makes things so brilliant, so spectacular, so big, so rich, so God-sized... that my camera can barely contain the spendor and beauty. And blogger can in no way handle it.

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