Thursday, October 5, 2006

I want.

Last Wednesday I was at the taping of a TV show with John and Val when they won the mother of all door prizes - a marriage-enrichment-type weekend at Whistler.

On Monday night a friend came over to work on her craft project while I viewed her 1400 photos of Europe on her laptop. Her and her husband recently celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary by enjoying a 2 week Mediterranean cruise. While away, they spent time every morning reading and talking about a chapter in a marriage book they brought along.

Yesterday, while our sons were playing volleyball, I chatted with a friend who is dating. Real dates. That involve events, like shows and the theatre. And meals in restaraunts. And talking about real things. And planning more dates. For future meals.

I was out for dinner tonight with three friends from my Fraser Heights days. At my request, they all brought their photo albums along: one with photos of her recent wedding, one with pictures of her 25th wedding anniversary celebration, and the other one brought the photographs and postcards of her and her husband's month long trip to Greece.

Let this be a warning to any future husband of mine who stumbles blindly into my life; I have expectations. I have seen both sides of marriage and I want the other kind. One that starts with dates. Honest to goodness dates that someone other than me has planned. I want a marriage that involves going away on marriage weekends, and ones where both participants in the marriage read marriage books. I want vacations where there is alot of bright blue water and where foreign languages are spoken. Where getting on a train is an adventure. Where sightseeing is breathtaking. Where taking 1400 photos is not frowned upon. Where I am so moved by the beauty around me that I cry.

That's all.
I just want every good thing that my friends are experiencing.

Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Twenty one people that I love are coming for a sit-down turkey dinner tomorrow night. We will eat, talk, play yahtzee, maybe go for a walk, maybe watch a hockey game, maybe do the dishes...

2. My friend, Marg (maker of jams and peach perserves) was baking buns today and gave me a dozen. Soft, fresh, home made, Mennonite buns. I feel so loved.

3. I have 8 pies in my freeer. Apple and apple/blackberry. I feel SO rich.

4. I'm not going to work tomorrow. Every molecule in my body needs to sleep in. I am giddy with sleep-in anticipation. Seems wrong to be looking forward to this so strongly.

5. Have I mentioned the sleeping-in part? Where I do not have to get up for any reason at all, other than I have 21 people coming for dinner and I have not been home for 10 evenings in a row and my house is in need of attention? I like sleeping in more than chocolate.

If you're reading this first thing in the morning - guess what? I'm still in bed. Sleeping in.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...tired sleep deprived as I read your blog early this morning-and I smiled. Sleep darling you deserve it. Dream and expect great things from God , He is listening and He will answer your every need. For I am confident of this very thing, He who begun His work in you will complete it to the very end.
Love, Marg