Monday, December 25, 2006

Winter Wonderland

It snowed the entire time we were there.
Absolutely wonderful.

The view from our window:

The condo:


Built in the '70's I'd guess.

The snow bank in the parking lot. Well over 12 feet high.

The condo we stayed at was in this "A" frame ... if it hadn't been pitch dark when we drove up, this is what we would have seen when entering the driveway.

That's our window and balconey at the bottom:

Saturday morning - getting ready to do some boardin with Daryl, Zac and Andrew

The backside of our condo and Daryl's truck in the parking lot.

Clint, the last one out. As usual.
Look at it snow.

The 'boardin boys ...

Max and Drew catching a lift to the lifts in the back of the pick up.

Back for lunch. Soaking wet and smiling.

Clint, on his way down.

Zac and Andrew at the bottom.

Daryl & Clint, Zac & Andrew heading back up for one more run.
(Maybe you can see them if you click on the image to make it bigger? Kinda like "Where's Waldo?"

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