Thursday, January 18, 2007

Giggling to myself

Are Thursdays not the happiest day of the week?
I'm floating over here.

Had a pampering appointment tonight - my feet are soft, my toenails are pink and my forearms are hairless. The gal who tries her darndest to beautify me, Kath, suggested last summer that we should get together for lunch (or at least coffee sometime) as we are so much alike, her and I. She's in her 30's, is from Africa, has one 13 year old daughter, is married, does not go to church, works in a very touchy feely industry, and is new to Canada. I see her about, oh, say, 4 times a year for an hour each visit.

You know, if you put your mind to it, a person could have about a zillion friends. It's just a matter of being nice. And not saying, "she's not like me... we have nothing in common". Crumb if you're both females and inhabit the earth, you've got a bond already.

I got home just in time to watch Jim slowly nod and say yes.
It was a good moment.
Made my hairless arms go all goosebumply.
(That last sentence is not going to get me a man, I can just tell.)

After the show ended I went straight to the internet to read all the forum discussions about the episode. And then I read a few blogs.
This is why I am giggling:

Kristine posted some photos she took of a "Where do babies come from?" book from the '70's.
Classic lines include:

"Now you may be thinking: if it's so nice, why don't people do it all the time? There are two reasons. First, it's very tiring. More than playing football, or running, or skipping, or climbing trees or almost anything. Good as it is, you just can't do it all day long."

and, my very favorite: "It feels like a sneeze only better."

It was written by three men.

After work tomorrow we're heading up to Harrison for the weekend. Yee haw. (Ahhh, so that's why she did her feet and whatnot...) I think my whole family will be there, plus I'm bringing along an extra. Can. Hardly. Wait. 48 hours in track pants. Life is so good sometimes.

And then on Sunday afternoon, I'm off to help a friend celebrate her birthday. Appies and wine (for me she'll have rootbeer on ice) with friends in her cozy living room. I might go barefoot.

Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Little things. Like making a late supper with Clint. I was making chicken and rice stirfry. He was making Ichiban soup. Still, we ate together and had a normal conversation. If this is an everyday occurence in your home, don't take it for granted.

2. Big things. Like the snow only fell for an hour today. And it's slushy not icy.

3. Normal things. Like sitting on the edge of their beds at night praying with my kids.

Play nicely this weekend. Will hopefully post (8 megapixel, as opposed to 5.6 megapixel) photos on Sunday.


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