Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The pink forms are signed and our non-refundable deposits are in.

I guess we're really going to Vicente Guerrero, Mexico this summer to build a few houses. Should be interesting. Scary. Hot. Life changing. Tiring. Stretching. Transforming. Educational. Inspiring. Wonderful. Different.

The village we will be living in is on the Baja Penninsula; it is a fishing community. There are very few men there, but many women and children. Lots of children. Hundreds of children who are left on their own for 12 hours a day. Four year old children who are caring for their 1 year old siblings. Five year olds that have the responsibilty of being the adult while their mom finds work for the day.

When folks come to build homes, the village children descend on the construction site looking for attention. Part of our day will be spent hammering and fabricating - the other part will be spent showering love of these kids.

Apparently 10 workers can build a "home" (11' x 22' structure on a cement slab with a locking door and 2' x 2' window) in 4 days. Because of the heat, we will start each day very early in the morning, and quit early in the afternoon to do stuff with the kids.

The building costs for one of these bare-bones casitas is $1650 US. Painting it, which is a highly desired luxury for the inhabitants, costs an extra $100 US and is a very tangible expression of love. Double sized homes (where families of 12 people live) cost $3300.

We will be building at least 2 homes on this trip for families currently living in cardboard box structures. They have nothing. (The money for 2 homes has already been raised. Our church is paying for them.)

Additional ways that we can bless these families is by adding the following items to their building:
Stove Top Burner $60.
Gas regulator with line $15.
10 kilo Propane Tank $40.
Extra window $45.
Water Hook up $85.
Outhouse $100.
Bunk Beds $60.
Electricity inside house $30.
Electric Meter Pole $90.
Contract for electricty $25.
Broom $4.00

(As well, we can give them other household neccessities, like dishes, cups, pots, pans, towels, soap, and so on.)

Every person on our team will pay $750 for transportation and food. We will be gone 10 days.

Are you interested in blessing those who have so much less than us? My kids and I are not going to ask others to help offset our personal costs to get to Mexico. But I am going to ask if you, blog reader and friend, would you be interested in making a difference in the lives of families who have nothing? I am committed to trying to raise additional funds to help pay for another house, (there are 40 of us going, we'd love to build 3 homes) or paint for a house, or crayons for the kids, or kitchen utensils or Spanish Bibles or bubbles or colouring books or an outhouse or even some forks and spoons. Because we are travelling by bus, space is limited. It has been suggested that we purchase the extras in Mexico rather than bring them with us. That way, we can buy exactly what they need after we've met them, and we can support their economy by buying local.

Please think about it. Pray about it. Is God nudging you to get involved in this ministry? 100% of your donations will go directly to the families who need it. I'll bring back pictures (likely thousands of them) to show you how your generosity impacted those with nothing.

Regardless if you can donate or not, please pray for us. Pray for our whole team, for me and my boys and for the people will be meeting. Pray that God would accomplish great and mighty things through us and that His will for this trip would be accomplished.

But mostly please pray for the families that we will be meeting. I'd love to give them photos of each of you - letting them know that they have wonderful friends in Canada who gave them, say, an outhouse, and are praying for them.

If you want more info, e-mail me ( or leave a comment. Donations are receiptable (I think. I'm pretty sure. I'll ask tomorrow.)

Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Even though I'm sick to here of winter, the snow tonight seems magical because I know how much it means to Daryl and Julie.
2. Minimal attitude from Drew tonight re: volleyball
3. It's officially over. Bring on March!


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