Monday, March 12, 2007

If I had BLANK, I would BLANK

I receive Bobb Biehl's "Quick Wisdom" e-mails monthly. The latest one was a simple fill in the blanks:
If I had _____
I would _____

I guess the idea would be to have one burning thing that you'd do. Most of the other recipients had ministry-minded 'what if's', like if I had a million dollars, I'd build a school in bangladesh. Or if if I were more Christ-like, I'd have a greater impact on lost souls, sort of thing.

When it comes right down to it, I'm pretty shallow, so I'm not going to submit my responses to his website. Instead, I'll just post them here.

Play along at home, won't you?

Today after work, I took Max out to Abbotsford for testing. It was a 3 hour procedure, so I wasted a bit of time at The House of James. I thought I'd pick up a book or CD for the trip; something fluffy but worthwhile. But as I wandered through the aisles and looked at all the book titles, the desire to tackle a deep, significant topic snuck up on me. Out of the blue, here I am, thinking about improving some aspect of my life. After an hour and a half of reading the back covers of books, I settled on Prayer. I will learn more about it. And then apply it. Hopefully.

With my visit at HOJ still fresh in my mind, here then is my list:

If I went to a larger church,
I would borrow books from the library weekly.

If I had a sugar daddy, (who paid my bills so that I could play)
I would take some courses at Regent College, TWU and CBC on subjects that interested me taught by instructors who challenged me.

If I find Chuck Swindoll's David, Esther, Moses, Job, etc series in a second hand store,
I would buy it.

If I had more money
I would support more Christian artists.

If I had more time (if I wasted less time?)
I would read more.

If I had a flat stomach
I would wear younger clothes
I would smile more
I would be more confident

If I had one less chin
I would get my hair cut short

If I actually sat down and read my camera's owner's manual
I would take better pictures

If I had been a better wife
I would still have a husband

If I prayed more
I would worry less

If I had a chance to start over
I would make fruit and vegetables a bigger part of our lives
I would be stricter about bedtimes
I would not let anyone get away with not brushing their teeth every day.
I would do 50 sit ups everyday. Twice.
I would be braver.
I would pray more.
I would ask more questions.
I would not waste time reading Danielle Steele.
I would not feel guilty about creative pursuits.

If I had less Neumann in me
I would hug more.

If I had children who cleaned up after themselves
I would never yell again.

If I had smaller feet
I would wear smaller shoes.

If I had better eyesight
I would not have so much trouble reading the fine print.

If I had the confidence
I would enter a photo or two in a contest
I would submit an article for publication
I would take a writing course
I would be friendlier to strangers

If I had an extra day off each week
I would probably waste it, but I'd like to think
I would take a class or
I would spend at least one of those a month in prayer or
I would be available to help someone/some organization or
I would keep on top of household chores. But
I would probably spend it sleeping in then having coffee with a friend.

If I would keep a large house after the boys move out
I would make the bedrooms available for young moms who need a break and can't afford a vacation.

If I would stop picking on my nails,
my fingers would look better

If I had more willpower
I would probably lose weight.

If I had stupid money to throw around
I would buy a new TV and speakers and stand for the family room
I would buy a new couch for the living room
I would upgrade my computer
I would trade in my truck
I would buy a new DVD player
I would buy shelves for the garage
I would buy another house and load it up for a Mexican family
I would support a few more Compassion kids
I would paint the outside of my house brown
I would support a struggling musician
I would take the kids on the trip of a lifetime

If I had any sense at all
I would quit blogging and go to bed.

How about you?
If you had blank, what would you do?

1 comment:

Tricia said...

If I lived close to you I would,
Invite you over for coffee, give you a hug and tell you not to be so hard on yourself; you are a lovely person.