Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Makin' Plans

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So, I had a few things to organize this evening...
1. It's Angie at work's birthday tomorrow and I was asked to make the day special for her. That involved baking a lemon cake from scratch (her request), buying a card, and arranging for those that can't be with us in the office to send greetings that I can add to the card. Done.
2. I volunteered to host the April ladies' event for our church, which has turned into a double bridal shower for two young women (20 year olds) who are marrying two young men (20 years old) whose families go to our church. This involved 25,000 emails to the brides, their mothers-in-law, the youth group, the church secretary, my mom and the Pope. A date was finally determined and tonight the rest of the 329 details needed to be sorted out. This involved another flurry of e-mails to just about anyone I could think of.
3. It's Sandra's birthday this weekend, and I'm trying to plan a girls' nite out. This involved 136 emails and I still don't know who can make it.
4. I offered the use of my home for this Friday Night's Progressive Dinner for the youth. Approximately 30 bodies will be here at 6:15 for appetizers and beverages. Ideas, anyone?
5. It's only 105 sleeps til Creationfest. So I had to plan. We're considering pre-booking a group site this year, so I needed to think that through the ramifications of that (the main one being, no late add ons. Everyone has to commit in May) and notify all the kids who have expressed interest in coming with me this year. Then I had to look at my Creation photos again because they make me happy. And in the midst of all that I learned how to make a collage. The faces of Creation. It's a beautiful thing.
6. Naturally time needed to be set aside to watch the first game of round one of the playoffs.
But what I REALLY wanted to spend time thinking, planning, investigating and daydreaming about is the comment from tricia on yesterday's post where she said, "That is cool! I'd do it. How far apart do we live?"
I'd love to start a new blog (Andrea, I'm going to have more blogs than you...) with Tricia from Florida. Would that not be too cool? Can you imagine? I think we are roughly the same age, are Christians, blog daily, appreciate beauty, love our families and are polar opposites:
She's married.
I'm not.
She has two daughters that are married/almost married.
I am the mother of three sons who are very much single.
She homeschooled her kids.
I can barely handle helping my publicly educated boys with their homework.
She loves coffee and coffee makers.
I don't.
She's an Uhhhmerrican.
I'm a Canuck.
Her beach is always warm and sunny and she dips her toes in the Atlantic Ocean.
I can only tan at our beach about 6 weeks a year. My ocean is the Pacific.
I think she takes pictures with her cell phone.
I use a camera.
She is allergic to chemicals; which prevents her from hanging out with large crowds.
Me? I seek out large-crowd-events and pay big bucks to be apart of them.
She's got drop-dead-sexy legs; short dark hair and beautiful skin.
I look like an aging-badly-Sally Struthers.
I am so excited to see where this could go.
Stay tuned.

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