Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Easter dinner at the big house:

Plus we celebrated Mandi's 18th and Clint's 20th birthdays. The kids are growing up.

The family room, so far. Still missing the mantle ...

And the den:
After supper the womenfolk played yahtzee around the dining room table. The guys went down to the media room and watched the latest James Bond flick on the HUGE screen.
How was your Easter?
Oh, this site is cool.
Every day, Stephanie and Mav, who live 3191 miles apart, like to get up early and take a photo.
Their blog is called "3191 - A Year of Mornings."
Mav's photo is the one on the left. Stephanie's is the one on the right.
Click back through the archives and notice how often their photos compliment each other. Notice also how you get a feel for each woman's life just by the photos she takes.
Who lives 3191 miles away from me? Anyone? Want to do this with me?
Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Clint walked slowly on our stroll tonight. Darn this hip/knee/body.
2. My sister trimmed my bangs. I've looked scarey lately, clipping them back off my face. She sat across from me at supper last night and I think she caught my desperation.
3. The sun did shine today.


Tricia said...

That is cool! I'd do it. How far apart do we live?

Jane said...

I'm not sure where in Florida you are exactly, but according to Map Quest, we live about 3247.62 miles miles apart. PERFECT!
Even better that we don't even know each other. Er. Change that. We know each other through our blogs. But we've never met.