Sunday, May 6, 2007

Lucky You

Seeing we hadn't heard one good thing about the new Spiderman movie, we went to this one instead.
The review said:
"Lucky You is not in any sense a great movie, it's not a masterpiece that future generations will want to rediscover. But it is a solid, well-made, generally gripping and intelligent movie —"
I'd give it a 5 out of 10.
However, all was not lost. Got me a new crush: Eric Bana.
I got to church a minute or two late this morning, so Drew and I slipped in while everyone was singing. After the song was over, and the usual "Welcome" speech was done, we did the 'meet and greet' thing where everyone says hi to their neighbour and a whole lotta small talk explodes. The gal in front of me turned around to chat, and she stopped short, looked me in the eyes and said, "Did you just go on another holiday? Your face ... it's ... tanned? Or something ... It looks good. Different somehow...."
I've just placed an online order for a gazillion dollars worth of product from the States. The samples that Sandra brough back for me are all used up, so we met tonight, and sitting in her van in a parking lot, under a flood light, using a small plastic spoon, she scooped an assortment of fine powders into tiny containers to tide me over until my shipment comes in. I'll pay her back in powder.
I bet, ounce for ounce, this stuff is more expensive than cocaine.
Three things I'm thankful for:
1. The supportive e-mails I've rec'd from folks who also have "facial intimacy" problems. I am not alone. I should start a group on Facebook for us sufferers.
2. He gave me a couple hugs today as he was saying good-bye. This moving out business is not easy. For him. Or me. Sigh.
3. Peanut Butter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I bet ounce for ounce, this stuff is more expensive than cocaine."

To save yourself some money then, start spreading cocaine on your face.

No, don't listen to me.

Good make up always does wonders for the way a girl looks and feels and remember Jane that for every one person who actually says out loud how lovely you are looking/notices something is different, there are probably 10 more who notice but don't know how to say it.

I love that you are being vulnerable in this blog. I'm patting you on the back for it.
Love S
PS. I've got high speed ordered for my new place...