Hands up. Who out there did cross stitch in the late '80's and early '90's with permed hair?
OK, maybe I was the only one with a permed head.
Who cross stitced with normal hair?
I did.
And I'm getting rid of them.
Packed them up and Clint took them, and my old, perfectly fine, wheeless suitcases to the Abby MCC today.
Yes, parting with them was difficult. I may decorate with rose pink and country blue again someday... and I'll be kicking myself for getting rid of them.
This is a sampling of the letters I received from my Bible School friends in 1980.
I read parts of them again before tossing the whole whack of them out and golly gee, did they bring back memories.
You may be wondering why in the 'haych eee double ell' I would save all that paper. And all those words.
Well, because.
Because I thought, maybe, years later, after all was said and done, it might be interesting to compare our immature dreams, our plans, our feelings and our predictions with our real lives.
We shared everything in those letters.. everything.
And maybe, unbeknowst to me at the time, I thought there'd be a good 'story' in those letters. Story of 4 friends, and how their friendship evolved over the years.
That's why I kept them.
But now they're gone.
A person can only hang onto paper for so long, you know?
And, really, when would I have ever gotten around to writing a book about 4 Bible school friends? I don't even have time to shave my legs every month.
My mom used to cross stitch a lot, she'd put some in the fair every fall -- she got first prize once for a Christmas advent calendar that she made for my sister and I (because we couldn't eat the chocolate from the chocolate calendars).
And she had permed hair.
And I save all the letters and cards and notes that I get... I still enjoy re-reading them and remembering :)
my dad use to have permed hair. but he never cross-stitched. so you still win
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