Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Walking the Dogs

The long range forecast is filled with little cloud and rain drop icons. This saddens me. The gorgeous tree outside my office was releasing it's brilliant yellow leaves one or two at a time to gently ride the breeze this afternoon. It feels like winter is nipping on Fall's footsteps. And I want to say, "shoo. Get lost. Quit bugging us. It'll be your turn soon enough."
Are you going to the Brian Doerksen concert next week? ME TOO! How awesome will that be?
Know what I wish I had done last night? I wish it would have been possible to drive to Seattle to be at Amy Grant's Lead On 20th Anniversary Concert. My cuz, Gloria, was at the Tour's first concert in Phoenix and said it brought back good memories.

A couple things I'm thankful for:
1. Black and White Portraits

2. Gas firplaces that work.

3. A work space with a window.

5. Shannon. (Thanks for helping with that letter and response device. You rock.)

6. Great Uncles, like Uncle Johnny who keep coming back to make sure that toilet stops leaking.

7. Honey Crisp Apples

8. African Violets next to the kitchen sink on the kitchen window sill. I am sounding like a grandma.

9. Scattegories Game.

10. Sun rays through orange leaved trees.

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