Monday, December 29, 2008

Post-It Notes Are My Friends

Lest you think it's all DVD watching and book reading around here now that the kids are gone, let me assure you that nothing could be further from the truth.

Things are getting done.

Many things.

Yellow. green and pink things:Voila - my colour coded to do list:
Yellow notes = Things to DO (Make mamogram appointment. Deposit Cheque. Etc.)
Green notes = Things to BUY (Nail clippers. Shelf for Max's room. Lamp for bedroom. Etc.)
Pink notes = Things to CLEAN (My two desk drawers. The oven. The linen closet. Etc.)

As I complete a post it note, I take it off the wall.
My hope is to have them all done by the time the boys come home.

How fun.
It doesn't even feel like work when you make a game of it.

Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Kids aren't around to mock me and my to do list.
2. Snow is melting.
3. Ottomans.


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