Monday, March 30, 2009

Guess Who Was Over Today?

These two guys:
Mark, the yellow van handy man worked in the yard today.
New gates. Fixed fence.
And, be still my heart ... THE BROKEN, DIRTY LAMPSTAND is gonzo.
And this guy, Mike, worked inside:

And look!
The fireplace is flaming:

My living room has warmth.
Dogs no longer have access to my backyard.
Life is as it should be.

Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Strawberries
2. The opportunity to read Clint's assignment/essay (Topic: Twitter and tweeting) before he hands it in tomorrow.
3. This rain-filled month? 24 hours away from being OVER.

1 comment:

raych said...

Woooooooooo yeah! March can suck it!!

So glad your house is reassembled.