Saturday, November 28, 2009


Saw this last night with some friends and was motivated to make a difference in someone's life. And was very motivated to never eat another chocolate bar so that I could look like Sandra Bullock someday.

Three things I'm thankful for:
1. God never calls us to do something that we can't handle.
2. I have actually gone three whole weeks without a chocolate bar. Those nighttime gastritis attacks sure have me scared. Everytime I'm even a teensy bit tempted I remember the 10 out of 10 pain and all the moaning and like magic, my craving disappears. I am thankful that, surprisingly, I do have some self-control. (Self control = pain avoidance? Maybe...)
3. My house is already decorated for Christmas. It has been since last Tuesday. I have never, in my entire life, decorated before Dec 1. Most years I don't even think about it til Dec 15th. But, I'm thankful that it's done. It feels peaceful and twinkly here.



Tricia said...

I haven't had ice cream since this summer. I get the same pain as you do eating chocolate. Last night I was dreaming about mint chocolate chip ice cream and I wanted to take a bite sooo bad, but kept remembering the PAIN. Sheesh, I'm even afraid to eat it n my dreams.

Christine Lindsay said...

Enjoy the peaceful twinklies, think of Jesus bringing light into our hearts, and joy to those who are bruised. Love ya.