Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Pleasantly Surprised

I am a fan of the London Drug's Photo Department. They are the only folks I'll allow the privilege of processing my prints.
But I've been paying 48 cents per print and do I think money grows on trees or what?

So I took a chance and got 410 prints (admittedly, a large chance. Could I not have started with a dozen?) and am totally pleased. Not one single little complaint. Do you read that? It was me. Not complaining. Best part? 17 cents each. AND, apparently between Christmas and New Year's the price will be 10 cents each. Can you imagine?

Three things I'm thankful for:
1. I got one Christmas present bought today. And no, someone is not receiving 410 prints for Christmas. Come on. What kind of surprise would that be if I blogged about every present I bought including the price? Actually, it's not a surprise, regardless. Max handed me some books and said, "You can get me these." Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas.

2. Of all the voices calling out to me, I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth. And what is the voice of truth saying? From Jeremiah 31, God says, "Oh, my dear, dear son(s) (Clint, Max and Drew) ... my child in whom I take pleasure! Everytime I mention your name, My heart bursts with longing. Everything in Me cries for you. Softly and tenderly I wait for you."
And then, the verse just for me, "Jane? They'll be coming home. There's hope for your children."

3. I'm also thankful for gas fireplaces.


1 comment:

ramblin'andie said...

Where did you get the 410 photos from? I've used Costco before and always been disappointed...