Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Twenty Three Years Ago

I became a mom.
I thought he was the most beautiful baby ever.
But, 32 hours of labor and an emergency c-section later, I was pretty exhausted, so what did I know?
He was, and is, perfect.
Raising him has been an epic adventure. Wish I had been more prepared. Wish I had been wiser. Thank goodness God has been raising him too.

Dear God,
Thank you for blessing me with Clint as my child.
Thank you for creating him exactly as You did - full of curiosity, energy, and enthusiasm. I praise you for his quick mind, his logical approach to problems, his work ethic and his creativity.

God, I pray that you would protect him from the forces of evil, guide him in this quest for further education, use his desire to help the homeless to fulfill Your purposes in his life, lavish him with Your love, surround him with friends who challenge him and mentors who encourage him and role models that inspire him.

Lord, I pray, that on THIS day he will be overwhelmed with a sense of Your presence and of Your delight in him. May he go to sleep tonight, knowing that he is loved by you.


Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Volunteers who have offered to help me stuff envelopes. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
2. Capt Crunch cereal. Dry.
3. Memories of the good ol days.


1 comment:

Tricia said...

Happy Birthday Clint!