Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sparkling Clean

So I'm just wondering how often do you clean out the cupboards and drawers in your bathroom?
Like, my floors, shower, tub, toilet, counter and sinks get thoroughly cleaned everyother week by Grace - but the cupboards? Uh, not so much.

You know, this whole house swap thing is not as easy as Kate and Cameron make it look. Because they certainly didn't spend hours and hours (maybe weeks or months) getting their houses, cars, yards, closets, and garages look perfect (or at least presentable) before they hopped on planes. It was so spontaneous.

Maybe it didn't matter because it was two single women doing the swap.

I think I'm a little freaked because there's going to be a man in my bed.
In my room.
Using my bathroom.

No one has used my room but me for 12 years. It's my haven. My kids aren't even interested in crossing through the doorway. And now, a married couple, (the President of Arrow, United Kingdom, no less) will be hanging out in there.

So. On the second hottest day of the year, I cleaned my bathroom to within an inch of it's life. In the process I got rid of about 50 things. Yay me.

Everything was taken out so the shelves could be wiped down.

Once I threw out all the expired or not-useful-to-me-anymore things, my "medicine" cabinets were quite bare.  Lots of room for them to add their toiletries.

I even added drawer liner paper:

I had ALOT of dental floss.

The under-the-sink cabinets were harder on the knees to clean:

I don't know how to properly use any of them.
And since I've added plucking-chin-hairs to my morning grooming, I have no time to curl my bangs. Or any other cluster of head hairs for that matter.
I wish I could still get perms.

After I finished in the bathroom, drenched with sweat, I moved into an even smaller room and cleared a shelf and rod for my guests.

And, then, trying to be sensitive to their wardrobe storage issues, I cleared half my dresser and left them three big drawers for their things as well.

I will be exhausted by the time we leave.

Three things I'm thankful for:
1. A lovely walk at Crescent Beach this evening
2. Fish and Chips on an outdoor patio
3. Raspberry and Mango gelato on the beach overlooking the ocean.

Summer is here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After seeing how nice your cupboards look, I'll have to do mine! Sigh...Linda