To Stine.
Andrew and Stine!
But also, :( because they're going to live in Denmark.
But also YAY because, you know, young love n all...
There was a party tonight. To celebrate. Because, you know, young love n all...
Sue baked a bride cake. (Above)
Friends came.
Sue and Stine:
Amy and Stine:
Andrew and Stine:
Oh, hey look. It's my Max on the left:
Sue and her kids:
The whole fam damily:
Mr and Mrs P x 2
She loves him:
and more friends came...
Congrats, A & S;
Wishing you a love-filled, laughter-filled, God-filled engagement.
Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Ten Things I Hate About You movie. It's taking 287 minutes to upload these photos to facebook; so I'm going to watch it again. Sigh. Oh Heath. You died too soon. (I love the dad on this show. So funny, so wise.)
2. Happy music.
3. Weekends.
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