Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Love is in the Air

Holy Schmoley. A whole lotta diamonds have been purchased recently.

My friend, Heather's son, Luke got engaged.
My friend, Sue's son, Andrew got engaged.
My friend, Christine's daughter, Lana got engaged.
My friend, Chris's son, Chad, got engaged.
My friend, Tarra's daughter, Melissa got engaged.
And Mandi's friend, Lauren, got engaged.

Sooooo exciting. So much hope. So much love. So much anticipation. So much excitement on Facebook. :)

Three things I'm thankful for:

1. Dinner and wedding talk with Christine yesterday. So fun. So much happiness. So many answered prayers.

2. Used appliance dealers. GREAT deal on a gently used washer and dryer. PLUS he delivers, installs and removes broken ones from my house. I wonder if I can get him to mow the lawn too?

3. Liquid Plumber. Yay for water draining out of my bathtub.


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