Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Today is Day 6 on this holiday and it was chill.
Not chilly, but Chill. Relaxed. Laid back. Awesome.

It was Rose's birthday today, so we "let" her decide what we were going to do today.

She stayed home in her pajamas while Sandra and I walked Baxter. AKA The Pooping Puppy. Then I went outside, to "my" spot:

and read this:

which was naughty but funny and a little bit sad and quite insightful and had bad behaviour but I liked it.

Then Rose and Sandra went to Walmart and I FLOATED on an air mattress in the pool and it was so perfect. When they got home, Sandra went back on her laptop and Rose went to bed for a nap, so I stayed outside (Hello? It's February and the sun is shining and it's hot and wonderful...) and read some more.

We met in the kitchen at 5 and gave A Beer Bottom Chicken another go. While he was roasting (slowly, this time) on the BBQ, Sandra and I took that dog for another walk and Rose watched a movie. Could the pace of life get any slower? I think not.

Wayne came home 'round 8, bringing Rose some gorgeous flowers and a birthday kiss (which she did not receive from her guests) and ate our leftovers (chicken, rice and salad. Same salad as yesterday. Seriously, we have tons of cut up fruit and vegies in this fridge. Seriously.) and he made dinner reservations for her birthday dinner tomorrow night. Italian. How fun will that be?

Wondering what Wayne and Rose's place looks like? Well, let me show you:

From the front

From the back. Second house from the left.
And the following pics were taken this evening on our walk. 

Dear God, 
Thank you. Thank you for this place. And these friends. And this opportunity to rest and be refreshed. Thank you for good food. And safe water.

House in the neighbourhood

Thank you for the friends in my kids' lives, God. I believe they are there by Your design. For Your purposes. I ask Your protection on them all. Keep them safe. Protect them from evil. Father I pray that the friends of my boys would be bold and godly and challenging and encouraging and patient and wise. And that they would speak Your truth into situations where Your light needs to be shed.

HUGE door. See that handle? Click to enlarge.

God, I lift up my friends' kids and ask that You would overwhelm them with Your love. Some are planning weddings - I pray that You would smooth the way and that the details would fall into place. I pray that they would see Your face during this season - and as they grow closer to each other, they would also grow closer to You. I pray for those who are struggling. May You use this to reveal Your love for them.

God I pray for my family. Give my mom an extra measure of Your patience. Give my dad, uhm, I don't know what He needs... But You do. I ask that You continue to hold him in the palm of Your hand til You're ready to call him home. In the meantime, I ask that You would surprise us with a care-aid who would be exactly perfect for his needs. 

I pray Your will be done in my brother's and sister's families and that You would continue to be Lord of their lives.

Thank you for loving me. And protecting me. And blessing me with all good things.
I pray that You would continue to direct my paths ...

Three things I'm thankful for:

That silver bar is the door handle. THE WHOLE THING IS THE DOOR.

1. Evening walks. Even if there is a dog along.

2. Holidays where everyone is free to do whatever they want. Guilt free.

3. Fruit salads.

4. Mentions on facebook that maybe my sons were thoughtful on Valentine's Day (?)

5. Citrus blossoms

6. Golf courses and their paths n ponds

7. Avacadoes and fresh mozzarella cheese.

8. Friends.


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