Wednesday, November 9, 2011

This Many. * Holds up 3 Fingers...

We're leaving in 3 sleeps.

I can hardly wait.

It's a whirlwind trip. We'll be back by Monday night. But maybe that's perfect? Two days in Disneyland. One day at Universal Studios. One day to shop/sightsee/write essays that are due on Monday/swim in the ocean ...

And while it's been on my mind since I first planned this little getaway, I didn't act on it til yesterday afternoon.
I talked to Danica's mom to see if we could bring her along.
After parental discussions over at that end, they decided yes.
And they told her today after school.
So she was the one who told Drew. (Who didn't know nothin.)

And when I walked in the door (after driving back and forth to Cultus, yes 2 hours on the road, looking for my rain jacket, that I'm going to need because they haven't changed the forecast of 4 days of rain in Anaheim. Not showers. Not scattered sprinkles. RAIN. 100 % chance of precipitation. Only to discover that my jacket is at Clint's house along with my Visa...) when I walked in the door, I was tackle-hugged by a very excited, happy, beautiful 17 year old girl. THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE.

Can I say it was all kinds of wonderful?

I love enthusiastic people. It's so infectious and life giving.

Three things I'm thankful for:
1. The smell? Was the garbage.
2. It's my boy's birthday. Happy Birthday Favourite Middle Son.
3. Grace.


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