Saturday, February 18, 2012

Soggy Sat. (Post updated)

I've got an unreasonable 173 item To Do List giving me the stink eye. So I spent an hour pinning. 


I did manage to 'take down' Valentine's Day. It all fit in one box. Sadly, I have nothing seasonally appropriate to put up in it's place. Even all those twinkle lights that I 'decorated' with after Christmas have been, not only removed, but placed in the garbage. (THEY ALL BURNT OUT. YES I AM SHOUTING.)


I'm trying to make smoothies a part of my life. Can't say I'm having much success. Incorporating brownies into my lifeplan was much easier.


Every so often I look back at this blog: and wish I was still doing it with Tricia. Maybe we'd have had better success if we didn't aim for DAILY updates. I think that's what killed it.


And the daily thing is killing me on this project too:

I will try to be caught up by the end of the month, but I don't think that was the point of this exercise.
February is a wet, grey, indoor kind of month. Not my fav for photo taking.

Listen to me make excuses.


The trouble with going to church on Saturday evenings, is that one has to leave at 5 pm. Which means, if one hasn't gotten dressed, one would have to shower, etc by 4:15 pm. But if the truck is out of gas, one should get ready and leave earlier. And if one needs to stop by the bank, on they way, she should leave earlier. And seeing one is out earlier, doing some errands, what about popping by the tanning place and tanning for 8 minutes? And if one's parents are going to meet her at church, she should pack up those things that belong to her mom, so she can return them. Packing up takes some minutes, and then so does getting it all in the truck. But the truck has a huge paper order from work in there, so that will have to be removed first. And then it all becomes about math. Add and subtracting minutes here and there. And in the end, the whole afternoon is wasted; nothing gets done. But her brain has been kept sharp by the arithmetic she's done.


I've had Art on my mind this week. Not Art a guy, but Art, like the concept. And how there is a conflict in some of us re: Faith/Religion and Art/Beauty.
In the book we were discussing (My Name is Asher Lev, in case you've forgotten already), Asher's (Jewish) dad is not a fan of Art. And when it becomes apparent that his son not only likes to doodle, but is actually gifted (divinely gifted?) he somewhat makes his peace about it but draws (so to speak) a line at nudes. He doesn't understand why his boy has to draw naked ladies. And if he flatly refuses to attend any of Asher's shows where nudes oils would be on display.

We talked about this at book club. The question  was "Do you think it's important that artists learn to draw/paint nudes?" It was unanimous (amongst those who spoke up) that "yes, it's important to learn how the human form works."

And in talking about Asher, and the book, none of us had any qualms about saying, painted nudes is part of the artistic process. BUT what if were YOUR son? What if HE was painting nudes? Would you invite your friends and pastor to the show? What if your son were photographing nudes? Would you enlarge them and have them on your living room wall? What if your daughter was in a movie, and the role she's playing requires her to take her clothes off? Would you go see the movie? Brag about it on facebook?


OOps. Can't talk now.
Clint just called. His truck broke down at the side of the highway near Hope.
All that Saturday afternoon church math for nothing.



FOUR hours later I'm home.
Langley to Hope to Vancouver and back.

I don't feel like blogging anymore.


Three things I'm thankful for:

1. Unexpected opportunity to spend time with God (two and a half hours alone in my truck, praying.)
2. Unexpected opportunity to spend time with Clint (Hope to Vancouver. We talked about Art.)
3. I'm thankful his truck didn't break down on the side of the highway in the middle of no where. Thankful for cell phones. Thankful for BCAA.


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