Thursday, June 21, 2012

What Day Is It?

It's all so confusing. Everyday feels like Saturday when you're not employed.

On Tuesday, Drew and Danica invited about a dozen of their graduating friends to come up to the cabin for the night. It was cool-ish on Tuesday, but PERFECT summer weather today. After the rest of the kids left, the three of us enjoyed the sunshine. No, I mean it. We seriously made a huge effort to sit on the deck and soak up the rays. It was hard to leave there this afternoon at 4.

And then, tonight? Clint sacrificed an evening of video-editing to spent it with Drew and I. We gutted the greenhouse, cleaned out the shed and purged the garage. The storage container on the driveway is full. Two (pick up) loads for the dump are ready to go. And one ginormous trip to Sally Ann will lighten our load considerably.

You guys. My house looks so good.

I just have the crawl space and Max's room to deal with. And then this project is done.


This is my first overnighter in my house since last Sunday's break in.
Taking the advice of a number of friends, I walked through the rooms, praying (out loud) that God would once again be the Lord of this dwelling place. That He would protect all who live here, and He would not allow evil to enter. And I said other stuff too in this out-loud prayer of mine. This was a new activity for me. I've prayed through my house before, but never saying words out loud. I wonder why that part of it was so important? Regardless, I did it. Lookit me trying new things.

Drew won't stay here, but Clint is spending the night. Right now? At this moment? At 1:45 am? I am at peace.

Three FIVE things I am thankful for:

1. Hardworking sons.
2. Praying friends.
3. Gracious God.
4. Summer weather.
5. Clean house.


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