- Are there places on this earth that remain untouched? Like, could I be the first person to ever step in a certain spot? And, if say, there's a place that won't be altered for, say, 100 years ... could I leave a note there, for, say, a great, great, grandchild? And then leave a message/map in my will so that in 2113, that descendant of mine could go on a treasure hunt on Teapot Hill (though, by then, it better be called Teapot Mountain) and find some handwritten words of blessing and maybe a small piece of jewellery (or some such memento from me, the great, great, granny who has been praying for her even before her grandparents were conceived) safely hidden in a teapot?
- Things I want to do this year (before my next birthday) include geocaching. Ziplining. Buying a place. Trying out the many uses of coconut oil. Getting a massage. Of those 5 items, the least likely will be the massage.
- I was reading an article at work this week about a partnership between christian mingle dot com and Mandy Gale, the single blogger/writer who empowers women to thrive in their singleness. Check out quotes from her book here. For those of you too lazy to click a link, I'll post a few:
- “Single" means you are brave enough to face the glorious unknown of the unaccompanied journey.”
- “Single |sin•gle| (adjective) - Too fabulous to settle.”
- “Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of always focusing on how far you have to go.”
- “Not everyone has to ride off into the sunset with a man. Some of us just want a tan.”
So anyway, this young woman, who has made a career for herself by being fabulously single, has paired up with christian mingle to enter the world of online dating. Her goal, I assume, is not to remain single. I found this interesting. When I chatted about this partnership with my boss, his first reaction was aghast; "Can you imagine dating A BLOGGER?"
Which of course got me thinking, seeing as I'm a blogger 'n all. Of all my faults and shortcomings, being a blogger could be The Thing that prevents me from being asked out? Hahahaha.
Which of course got me thinking, seeing as I'm a blogger 'n all. Of all my faults and shortcomings, being a blogger could be The Thing that prevents me from being asked out? Hahahaha.
- I'm at the lake. On my bed. With my window open. A wind storm is picking up and my curtains are flying straight out. I can't even begin to express how much I love this. It feels like camping.
Three things I'm thankful for:
1. An evening with my kids. Dinner and a movie, to celebrate Max's birthday. Thankful when they let me have a glimpse into their lives.
2. Long weekends. This one in November? Is perfectly timed.
3. Forgiveness and Grace.
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