February, 2014
These are the things that I am:
Obsessing over,
Working on,
Thinking about,
Listening to,
Praying for,
Happy about,
And also? Randomly placed throughout this post? Photos taken this week of sunsets.
1. I am currently obsessing over:
- sunsets
- and being in a location to adequately enjoy them.
- Also. I've become a bit obsessed about a new app I'm using for my Instagram photos: Mextures. It transforms ordinary (poor) iPhone images into works of art:
(I took this pic, from my office, through my window, during a snowy day. It was a total 'meh' photo. Then I added a few mextures (filters, layers) and it became something completely different.) The instragram collection that got me hooked was Alysson's. Check out her pics. Totes awesome times a million.
- I am also obsessed with the "Favorite Thing" I was lucky enough to receive at my Fav Things party last month - OPI AVOJUICE. I got the Mango one and it is awesome. More than awesome. It is The Awesome-ist. I will now be unrelenting in my quest for more.
Sunset on 80th Ave. |
2. I am currently working on:
- this post
- taking one iPhone photo per day and posting it to Instagram
- talking less and listening more and I totally suck at this
- I am working on NOT planning another vacation. It's hard. I really want to go somewhere... However, I need to stay focused on work and normal life.
Sunset over McLeod Athletic Park |
3. I am thinking about:
- Love. And how loving someone well isn't always easy. Especially when they are so very different than you. You probably have to ask them how you can demonstrate your love to them, but there's a chance that you'll have to go out of your comfort zone to follow through.
- Church tonight; specifically the sermon. And how the 'loving God' is the more popular God these days. But that very same warm and fuzzy deity is also a God of War who hates sin and loves justice. And He's not as easy to 'sell'...
- Work. And the movie we're promoting; if you're reading this blog, you'd probably like it. So plan now to see Irreplaceable on May 7.
- Also, thinking about this blog. And my work. (A friend was reading pixnprose a few days ago and was worried because of a post I had written from PV. I had mentioned that sex was a topic of conversation on our vacation. She wondered if anyone from Focus reads my blog, and what they would have thought about that... she wondered if maybe I should be more careful about content...) I dunno. Should I be worried?
- The month of March. I have no big plans, or any plans, actually for this month. I need to change that.
- I am thinking about the Academy Awards, and how it'll be the only awards show I've watched this season. And how I'm looking forward to it. Also, I'm thinking about buying myself a TV.
Sunset over Langley airport |
4. I am anticipating:
- That winter will end soon. ANother dump of snow today. And I'm so over it.
- That Clint will come by one of these days and clean up the malware I've installed on my computer.
- I am anticipating that eventually I'll get over my disappointment that I wasn't in San Diego for a conference this weekend. Bob Goff, Anne Lamott, Donald Miller and Jon Acuff ALL TOGETHER IN ONE PLACE. Without me. It was a story-writing conference ... about seeing our lives as stories. And rewriting them. Aaaggh. Love the topic, and have been following/reading those speakers for years.
- Let it go, Jane. Let. It. Go.
- (Hard to do when all of them are tweeting about it's awesomeness right now.)
- I am anticipating that there will be no sunshine this week. (I just checked. My phone concurs.)
- I am anticipating that it might be a chocolate-laden week as a result of the no-sunshine.
5. I am listening to:
- assorted appliances cleaning things
- Blue Rodeo singing about Five Days In May
- And now Mika is crooning on about Grace Kelly
- Then The Parachute Band will Shout It Out,
- Followed by Journey's Any Way You Want It.
- (THAT was this (Sunday) afternoon. NOW? At 7 pm on Sunday night? I'm listening to the Acadamy Awards.)
6. I am eating:
- Baked ham
- Scalloped Potatoes
- Salad
- Roasted carrots
- A bun
- A donut
- This post is taking me forever to complete. Started it last night in bed at midnight and then keep pecking away at it, on and off, every few hours since then. Right now? I'm watching the Oscars.
7. I am praying:
- For tonight's awards. And that someone would thank God.
- For my kids, my parents, my friends, their kids, the entertainment industry, writers, folks struggling with addiction, those that are living in recovery, people in the Ukraine, marriages in trouble, and families.
- For those requests that people send in to Focus.
- For some certain youth workers.
- For a few NA/AA communities.
- For the cities in Brazil that are hosting the world cup.
- Brenda.
- And for a few others. God knows who they are. He's likely tired of me bugging Him about them. I know He's on it. Maybe I just like talking about them.
8. I am reading:
- 7 Men (for my next book club meeting)
- That's it? That can't be right. I must have another one on the go? Someone? Give me a hand here. What else am I reading?
9. I am happy about:
- having Drew, Danica, and Cassie here tonight to watch the Oscars.
- Things in general.
- The hair product that Danica has been supplying me with.
- Two conversations I had this week. Randomly. About my bum. Apparently it's looking smaller. ?
10. I am remembering:
- My dream last night. I was at a conference. And coincidently (hey, it's MY dream), my latest (screen) crush was there. I had missed a few of the morning sessions (because. Hello? Mornings.) so I was a bit out of the loop when it came to choosing partners for a project to be worked on during the evening. When I realized what was going on, I checked to see who he had chosen, and to my horror, I watched (in like, slo-mo) the daughter (who was very popular in high school, with long, thick, curly, shiny, healthy, rich brown hair and an athletic body and clear skin) of a friend walk across the room and flirt with/invite him to work with her. I was livid and woke up hating that girl with every cell in my body. Who was she is poke her gorgeous self INTO MY DREAM? In my own dream at least, shouldn't I get the guy? What THE HECK? Who writes my dreams anyway? Hahaha. Happy Snowy Sunday, Jane. GET A GRIP.
- Also remembering Friday night's fun:
Love evenings like this. You know. When mutli-generations get together to play with paper and glitter.
And I'm remembering this:
11. I am wishing:
- That my bum would get even smaller.
- And then I'm wishing that my stomach would just totally disappear.
- Also wishing for another sunny holiday soon, so that this tan never ends.
- For good news.
- For daughters-in-law who love movies, books, Jesus and chocolate.
- For a good week at work.
Three things I'm thankful for:
1. The ability to learn new things.
2. Patient people who teach me new things.
3. This day. God made it. It's a good one.
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