Thursday, July 31, 2014

4000 Posts

That? Is a whole lotta words.
Mostly nonsense.
But there you have it. It's the internet. Anyone can post words on it. They don't have to be meaningful at all.

So. If you don't mind, I'm just going to go ahead and add more clutter to the web. It's my right. As a resident of earth.


First up. This video of my friend, Rachel's daughter eating a lime. SO FUN:

(Entertaining, no?)


My fav pics from the past few days:
Starting with tonight... An Evening of Firsts, (for me):

Straight from work, over to a friend's place for a swim.
No, I didn't get wet.
I sat on the edge and dangled my feet.

Twas lovely.
A gentle way to transition between my work week and my super long weekend (which began at 5:30 today. Woot.)

We had dinner together:

and for The First Time Ever, I had beans.
Never had 'em before.
She made them from scratch, and they were delish.

We were finishing our meals when she suggested,
She: Hey should we go see a movie?
Her: Uh, OK.
Me: I don't think we have time, it's already 7:30
She: (checking the listings on her ipad) And So It Goes starts at 7:40. We can make it if we leave now.
Her: My hair...
She: I have no make up on.
Me: I'm not wearing a bra or panties.
She: Let's take the Lexus.

(There were three of us. I sat sideways in the back seat because there is no room for legs (or my ass) back there.  Not an inch. And I? Was wedged in tight. Hips and shoulders were squeezed in, with no room to move. Thank goodness it was a convertible, because if there had been a roof, I would have had a panic attack. Claustrophobia.)

So. That was a first for me. In an old bathing suit, sitting in the back of a sports car, with no access to a seatbelt, praying we wouldn't get in an accident. Because. No underwear. On the way to a movie.

I'd give it a 5 out of 10.
It had a few funny moments, but Enough Said with James Gandolfini and Julia Louis-Dreyfus (about mature folks dating) was funnier and maybe more realistic.

But it didn't matter. We enjoyed it.
For me, the actual film is only part of the experience. Alot of my movie-going enjoyment comes from the conversations before and after.

And we talked long after the movie ended.
About stuff and things and sex and relationships and weddings and sons and moms and daughers and we ate this while we chatted:

(Rhubarb Platz. And this? I'd never had before. And it? WAS DELICIOUS. )

And this?
Is my friend's other set of wheels.
She wondered if I wanted to get one too ...

How fun would THAT be?
A whole lot.

Last night?
(Tues eve)

I hung out with a friend in White Rock.
She used to be the youngest motorcycle instructor in Canada.
(So if I do buy a bike, I know she'd help me learn how to ride.)

In fact, while we were walking, she asked me to take a pic of this bike...
She used to ride a crotch rocket, but is leaning toward this style for her next one:

We could form a gang.
And we'd have leather outfits.
And cool helmets.
And amazing boots.
And secret handshakes.

Or not.

While we walked, we talked about big things.
Like faith.
And God.
She wondered if I'd always believed.
And didn't I ever have moments of doubt?

And trust.
We talked about trusting God.
And how hard that is sometimes.

And travel.
She's off to northern Europe, on her own.
For three weeks.

I'm in awe.
So brave.
And adventurous.

I introduced her to gelato.
Yay me.
Fattening up the world, one person at a time.

On Monday night, I popped in on my cousins.
All of my Uncle John's kids were in Canada at the same time for about a 48 hour period. (They'd come from London, Germany and New York). (My dad's kids? Live in Surrey, Surrey and Langley.) (We sure didn't venture far from home.)

Anyway, I met up with them and took pics of Tim's girls:

So cute.

And from there, I moseyed on up to the lake for night...

(Wildflower bouquet.)
(My first attempt at floral arranging.)
(I mostly suck.)

I sat outside on the deck and looked at the stars.
So incredibly awesome.
So many.
So bright.
So pretty.

So lucky.

Three things I'm thankful for:

1. Friends. Old and new. Younger and older. I am so appreciative.
2. New experiences. New places to sit in cars. New foods to try.
3. FIVE days off in a row. With this weather forecast:


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beans and rhubarb in one night? I had to scroll back twice because I could not believe that you ate beans!?! Not bad eh?