- Pink flip flops
- That I am forgiven
- Chemicals that fight cancer
- Fine tip ball point pens, blue ink
- Washing machines
- And dryers
- Fresh drinkable water straight from the tap
- Sisters who make time to cut their sister's hair before they leave on a camping trip so that someone won't post whiny updates on her blog about her bangs
- Smart people who study to learn things that make the world a better place
- Netflix
- Sons who set up TV rooms so their mom will stop whining on her blog about not being able to watch TV
- Suitcases
- Suitcases with wheels
- Cheap, banged up, ugly suitcases that last forever
- Antibiotics
- All social media, actually ... for social reasons
- Schools and teachers and textbooks and All Things Learning
- Books
- People that write books
- Pillows
- Parents
- Moms who let her granddaughter and daughter live in different corners of her house
- Red, orange and pink sunsets
- Storm clouds
- The sound of rain falling on a tin roof. Or a cabin roof. Or a RV roof. Or my truck's roof.
- The sound of my coworkers singing Happy Birthday in harmony in the morning
- The sensation of chocolate melting on my tongue
- Thankful for a tongue that doesn't have (much) thrush left on it
- Thankful that all body parts seem to be in fine working condition after months of break downs
- Thankful for clinics and doctors offices and emergency departments in hospitals
- Thankful for our medical system
- Labs that figure out what's going on based on teensy samples or xray pictures
- Glasses, both the kind that hold beverages and the kind that help you read the fine print
- Kindles so that suitcases can be 15 pounds lighter and so that no one can tell what you're reading on the plane
- Airplanes
- Pilots
- Thankful for the person who invented airplanes
- Thankful for opportunities to travel
- Thankful for friends who invite friends to travel with them
- Thankful for places that are hot n sunny in October
- Thankful that I live in a time and place that makes it possible for me to travel safely
- Thankful for this life
- My kids
- My future kids (aka daughters in law)
- My grandkids (eventually)
- Hope
- Flowers
- Gold, green, orange, rust, red maple leaves
- Trees that don't drop their leaves
- Trees that do drop their leaves
- Leaves that are crunchy when you kick-walk through them
- Oceans
- The edge of countries (aka beaches)
- The sound of waves hitting the shore
- Everything in the night sky, especially the moon
- Stars, especially the ones that shoot across the sky
- Laptops
- The internet and the way it makes communication so very easy
- The internet and the way it makes information so readily available
- Satellites
- Writers
- Books
- Entertainment industry
- Movie theatres and the smell of popcorn
- Music; those who write the songs, and those who sing them
- Churches and the people who worship in them
- Preachers who preach from the Bible
- The Bible
- Curling irons
- Hair spray
- Emoticons
- Answered prayers
- The God whom I pray to
- And his Son
- Hoodies, especially grey ones
- Sidewalks
- Neighbourhoods
- Old photos
- Memories
- Thankful for the dad I had
- and how he loved
- Lakes
- Especially my lake
- And the cabin on it
- Wood floors
- Sundecks
- Patios
- Conversations
- Thankful for the person who invented the recipe for biscuits.
- Thankful for the grade 8 teacher who taught a class of 13 year olds how to make biscuits
- Crock pots
- Thankful for the friend who went grocery shopping with me for ingredients for a good crock pot dinner
- Thankful for friends who have salmon. And blackberries. And decide to do something with both.
- Thankful for creative people
- Artists, weavers, photographers, actors, singers, painters, dancers, decorators, crafters
- Crayons. Especially the green and blue ones
- Felt pens
- Colouring books
- Touch
- People who hold hands
- Romance
- People who kiss
- Whispers
- Hugs
- Bathing suits, even black ones
- Swimming pools, so that even non-swimmers have a reason to put on bathing suits
- Doctors who specialize in things
- Skin that heals
- Bodies that fight disease
- Vitamins
- Apples
- Hair clips and elastics
- Grace
- People who demonstrate patience
- Big towels
- Leftover turkey dinners
- Tastebuds
- Lips that smile easily
- Hope
- Three year olds
- Four year olds
- Kindergarteners
- Mouths that say encouraging words
- Greeting cards
- People who pray in cars
- Demonstrations of selflessness
- Dads who love their families
- Men who are dependable
- Excellence
- Rest
- Mascara
- Comfortable beds, down comforters, clean sheets and soft pillows
Happy Thanksgiving, friends.
Did you say Phoenix? This is a link to my FAVORITE restaurant in Phoenix. It's in Gilbert but worth the drive. http://joesrealbbq.com/about/
We always get the sampler plate because they have amazing meats and sides.
If you're at Arizona Mills (their big indoor outlet mall) there's a Burlington Coat Factory that has tons of bathing suits. The Miracle Suits are always marked down and are the kindest suit a woman can buy. That's where my sisters and I get ours.
Hope you have a wonderful, refreshing time!!!!
There are quite a few Phoenix restaurants that were on the Diners Drive Throughs and Dives. My dream is to go on a culinary tour of Phoenix eating at ALL OF THEM! :)
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