In no particular order:
- Seasons
- The unique beauty in each of those seasons.
- The creative God who designed our 4 seasons.
- Super thankful that He gave us summer.
- I'm thankful for love.
- And how love has brought a girl into my family.
- I am thankful that I was chosen to be a mom to Clint, Max and Drew.
- I am thankful for families.
- I am thankful for my family.
- I am thankful for the entertainment industry,
- Writers
- Directors
- Actors
- Sculptors
- Producers
- Movie theatres
- I am thankful for folks who write books
- And publishing houses that print and distribute them.
- I am thankful for bookstores
- and libraries
- and Kindles
- and Amazon
- I am thankful for musicians and the music they make.
- I am thankful for songwriters
- and instrument players
- and producers and distributors
- and bands.
- I am thankful for doctors
- and nurses
- and hospitals
- and caregivers
- and health professionals
- and medical research
- and scientists
- and hope
- and a God who heals according to His will.
- I am thankful for teachers
- and inspiring people
- and smart people
- and patient people
- and kind people
- and generous people
- and friendly people.
- I am thankful for friends
- Friends who like to walk
- friends who like to talk n drink tea
- friends who have passions about causes
- friends who share ideas
- friends who challenge me to experience new things
- friends who catch Pokemon
- friends who don't mock me because I catch Pokemon
- friends who share their homes,
- friends who share their meals,
- friends who share their love of books,
- friends who pray,
- friends who laugh,
- friends who cry
- friends who love going to movies,
- friends who teach me about love
- friends who teach me about life in different cultures
- friends who teach me about forgiveness
- friends who decorate cookies
- friends who invite me to join them on adventures
- friends who come alongside
- and friends who live far away.
- I am thankful for snowblowers
- and snow shovels
- and a driveway that holds 9 cars
- I am thankful for bookclubs
- and the bookclub that I'm a part of
- I am thankful for my job
- and the people I work with
- and the people I work for
- and the work that we all do.
- I am thankful for the church I go to
- and the leadership team there
- and the sermons
- and the Bible.
- I am thankful that He loves me.
- I am thankful that He has a plan for me.
- I am thankful that I have faith in Him and His plan.
- I am thankful that He is good.
- I am thankful for avacadoes
- and watermelon
- and Honey Crisp apples
- and Purdy's raspberry creams
- and Julie's turkey dinners
- and Terry's sugar cookies
- and Max n Amy's fish n chips
- and anything Clint barbeques
- and Danica's chocolate chip cookies
- and Inca's mom's lemon square
- and Maxine's apple pies
- and anything that comes out of Heather's crop pot
- and any meal cooked by hands that are not mine
- and sunsets
- and beaches
- and palm trees
- and weeping willow trees
- and Cultus Lake
- and my end of Cultus Lake
- and all the memories from that corner of the world
- I am thankful for beds
- especially ones with clean bedding and memory foam mattress toppers
- I am thankful for sidewalks
- and street lamps
- and safe neighbourhoods
- and legs that work
- and a heart that beats
- and a hand that usually has a camera in it
- I am thankful for my camera
- and I am thankful that my kids keep upgrading it.
- I am thankful for memories
- and daydreams.
- I am thankful for an imagination
- I am thankful for my reality.
- I am thankful for my family's history.
- I am thankful for my parents
- and thankful they decided to have children.
- I am thankful for computers
- and the internet
- and smart phones
- and email addresses
- and twitter
- and Facebook
- and Pinterest
- and Blogs
- and Instagram
- and all the ways we have to communicate and share information.
- I am thankful for answered prayer
- and opportunities to pray.
- I am thankful for stretchy pants
- and comfortable shoes
- and old rain jackets.
- I am thankful for bath tubs
- and thick towels that wrap around your whole body.
- I am thankful for soap
- and shampoo
- and clean water.
- I am thankful for this country I live in.
- I am thankful for the education I have.
- I am thankful for the freedoms I enjoy.
- I am thankful for grace
- and forgiveness
- and peace.
- I am thankful for TV remote controls
- and a vehicle with seat warmers and 4WD.
- I am thankful for flowers
- especially wild flowers
- and bright flowers
- and scented flowers
- and tuna casseroles
- and roasted yams
- and games
- and kids who like playing games
- and laughter
- and kindness
- and generosity
- and I'm thankful for displays of outrageous love
- and weddings
- and romance
- and new life
- and sweet babies
- and new pregnancies
- and fresh starts
- and bonfires
- and patio dinners
- and summer evening conversations
- and picnics
- and paddle boats
- and yahtzee at midnight by candlelight
- and Christmas light displays
- and sun tans.
- I am thankful for pay cheques
- and brown eyes
- and blue eyes
- and green eyes.
- I am thankful for seawalls
- and promenades
- and river walks
- and park trails
- and adventures in foreign countries
- and realizing that maybe sometimes I can say, no.
- I am thankful for new, unexpected friendships.
- I am thankful for God's perfect timing.
- I am thankful for the moon, especially when it's full.
- I am thankful for stars,
- the sun,
- clouds,
- summer breezes,
- fall fog,
- winter mists.
- I am thankful for lists
- and calendars
- and schedules
- and routine
- and spontaneity
- and plans.
- I am thankful for language
- and words
- and communication.
- I am thankful that people still hold hands
- and wink
- and smile
- and blow kisses
- and hug.
- I am thankful for AA and NA
- and recovery houses
- and treatment centres
- and rehab facilities
- and sponsors
- and hope.
- I am thankful for pillows
- and hair elastics
- and curling irons
- and Smarties
- and dental floss
- and fresh air
- and freckles
- and giggles
- and elbows
- and challenges
- and emotions
- and antibiotics
- and insulin
- and colouring books
- and felt pens
- and pencil crayons
- and colours
- and textures
- and shadows
- and artists
- and doodles
- and coiled, lined notebooks
- and candles.
- Gentleness.
- Honesty.
- Passion.
- Courage.
- Strength.
- Peace.
- Excellence.
- Team work.
- Respect.
- Confidence.
- Popsicles.
- Creamsicles.
- Cheesecake.
- Socks that don't slide off.
- Rollercoasters.
- Ottomans.
- Displays of sensitivity.
- Post it notes.
- Pedicabs.
- Ancient buildings.
- Airplanes.
- Airports.
- Picking up people from airports.
- Smiling faces.
- God's love.
- His sacrifice.
- My faith.
- Unexpected blessings.
- Celebrations, like
- birthdays
- weddings
- showers
- even funerals.
- Softness
- Silence.
- Sleeeeeping in.
- Traditions.
- The scent of cedar
- and sawdust.
- The sound of a router
- and a table saw.
- Turquoise rings.
- The colour green.
- And blue.
- Deep conversations about things that matter.
- Justice.
- Heroes.
- Salt.
- Old cathedrals.
- Old pews.
- Hymnals.
- The smell of used book stores.
- Giraffes.
- Emus.
- Outdoor concerts.
- Down comforters.
- Brides who smile
- Grooms who smile back.
- Fathers of Brides who cry through their speeches.
- Dads who love their kids.
- Cousins who make Mashed Potato Pizzas
- I am thankful for muscles
- and brains
- and fingers
- and eyelashes
- and people who invite me to take their photo.
- I am thankful for reading glasses
- and glimpses into lives so very different than mine.
- Experiences,
- Challenges.
- Affirming words.
- The night sky.
- Bedrooms with 4 windows
- Cabins with flat roofs
- Fridges filled with leftovers
- Ice water
- Cream soda
- Toddlers
- Smile wrinkles
- I am thankful for real stories,
- historical stories
- news stories
- friend's stories
- God's story.
- I am thankful for fresh starts,
- new beginnings,
- forgiveness
- and grace.
- I am thankful for His promises
- and His character
- and His goodness.
- I am thankful for razors
- and tweezers
- and women who know how to thread eyebrows
- and chins.
- I am thankful for dentists
- and doctors
- and hair stylists
- and shoe makers
- and designers
- and roofers
- and thinkers
- and do-ers
- and leaders
- and followers.
- I am thankful for vacations
- and stay-cations.
- I am thankful for long weekends
- and reasons to celebrate.
- I am thankful for expressions of love.
- I am thankful for photographs
- and old home movies.
- I am thankful for His protection,
- Flip flops
- Slippers
- Wedding rings and the hope behind them
- I am thankful for blue sky
- (Like, REALLY thankful for blue sky)
- and folding lawn chairs
- finding a bunch of loonies and toonies at the bottom of your purse.
- I am thankful for this life,
- my life
- and all the people in it.
- I am thankful for the words, "Hi mom"
- and "love you."
- I am thankful for past experiences
- and 'ah hah' God moments.
- I am thankful that some things just don't matter
- and that sometimes its OK to be forgetful.
- I am thankful.
1 comment:
I'm thankful that the Lord allowed us to meet through our blogs, then in person, and the encouragement I get through your writing.
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