Tuesday, February 7, 2017

#BCStorm and The Road We Must Travel

This post is a mashup.
Pics are from today - the day after the Storm of the Year.
Blizzard 2017.

And the prose is from the book I'm reading:

I'm only on Chapter 4, but there were quite a few underline-able thoughts, so I'm posting them here.

Almost all the photos were taken from my bedroom and from the driver's seat of my truck, (on the way to work, and again on the drive home). I opened the windows, and pointed my camera towards something pretty. I depend on auto focus and auto settings a tremendous amount. Obviously.

Test yourself to make sure you are solid in the faith. Don't drift along, taking everything for granted. Give yourself regular check ups.

I have found the best way to enhance such a check up, is questions. Questions are an extension of one's curiosity, and they work beautifully as one examines his or her own soul in the presence of the Lord.

Every human transaction in life offers an insight. But its often like buried gold or oil. It has to be discovered. Perhaps that's why busy people are impressive but often shallow, No time to mine the gold or drill the oil,

Here are some conversation starters/questions that will help you begin to excavate the hidden gold:

  • What have been the beautiful moments in which God may have been revealing Himself to me? 
  • And what have been the evil moments when the worst in me (or the worst in the larger world) showed itself? 

  • What happened this week that needs to be remembered, perhaps recorded in a journal so I can return to it in the future and recall the blessing (or the rebuke) of God?

  • What have my prevailing feelings been this week? Sadness? Fear? Anger? Emptiness? Joy? Enthusiasm? What is the reason? 

  • What have been the blessings, those acts of grace that have come through others, or, as I perceive it, directly from God Himself? Can I express praise and appreciation, via thank you note or journal entry?

  • Have things happened for which I need to accept responsibility, perhaps leading to repentance? Why did they happen? Were they avoidable and how can they be prevented in the future? 

  • What thoughts have been dominating my think time? Noble thoughts? Escapist thoughts that woo me away from more important or challenging issues? Superficial thoughts that lead to nowhere? 

  • Is there a possibility that I am living in denial of certain realities (for example, painful criticism, sloppy work, habitual patterns) that are hurting me and others? 

  • Are there any resentments or ill feelings toward others that remain unaddressed, unforgiven?

  • Visualizing myself in the company of spouse, children, friends, colleagues - am I a pleasant person to be around? Are people challenged, elevated, enthused when I enter the room? As someone has observed, "Some people bring joy wherever they go, others bring joy when they go." Which one am I?

  • What is God trying to say into my life today? Through scriptures? Through other readings? What has He been saying through those in my inner circle of relationships? Through critics? What insights swirl up and out of the deepest parts of my soul? 

  • What are the possibilities in the hours ahead? Where might there be ambushes that would challenge character, reputation and well-being?

  • What things might I say and do that would make the people in my inner circle feel more loved and appreciated?

  • Am I mindful of the socially awkward. the poor, the suffering, the oppressed in my local world and in the larger world? Am I in tune with appropriate current events in the world and perceiving them through the lens of biblical perspective? 

  • What specific steps will I take today to enhance my growth as a follower of Jesus? 

  • What are my top three spiritual gifts? (I should be able to answer that question as easily as 'what's my name and phone number') How am I developing those gifts? 

Three things I'm thankful for:

1. I live in a beautiful corner of the world. And my commute is pretty. 

2. Winter is only a season, it's not forever. 

3. Friends who pray. 

4. The colour blue.

5. Conversations that take can take place because of the internet. 

6. Yams.

7. Books.

8. The creative team I work with. If you know of anyone who would appreciate this beautiful, relevant, biblically-based French magazine, send them to sign up here


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