1. WALK around the seawall on Friday night. FINALLY. First time this season...
(Sadly, was wearing my black boots - the ones I wear to work with a skirt - and after an hour and half of walking, I got blisters. Huge ones. Both feet. Right in the centre of the ball of my foot.) Worth it though.
At 9:30, we popped in at the Princeton Pub in East Van where Kim's band was on stage all evening:
2. So very thankful that Saturday follows Friday, because my feet were not moving. At all.
Well, until late afternoon...
I'm thankful for Sat eve church services.
And sermons on Singleness.
No sermon will ever convince me that it's better to be single. But a solid effort was made this weekend.
I took my mom along, so she was sitting on my right side, and I had an tiny, white-haired, wrinkled couple sitting on my left. During the sermon, the cute lil lady beside me pulled out her smart phone and played solitaire for the remainder of the evening. Hahahaha.
3. And I'm thankful for lazy Sundays.
And invitations from new daughter-in-laws.
"Mom? We're having a friends-only shower for Maddy, but I asked if I could invite you to come take pictures. They said yes, so... are you free?"
Oh. My. Goodness.
My favorite-ist thing to do EVER... take photos of happy people.
(I may have been snap-happy. Haha. I took over 600 pics. Because these people were gracious and friendly, and beautiful and confident and happy...)
And I'm thankful for my family, who gathered for supper... remembering my dad.
At the Spaghetti Factory.
Where they lost our order, and an hour and a half later, they realized their error.
So dinner, dessert and drinks were free.
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