... he'd aged himself by about 30 years, making himself the same age I am now.
It's a little freaky.
Then he did his brothers and Dani:
(Not sure why the app doesn't do anything with hair on female images. )
My kids always thought they were the cloned generation of the older set of Obros (Mike, Mark, Kevin and Jason). I love that the app made it quite obvious that my boys are their own men. I wonder if I'll still be alive when they look like this?
I took a quick selfie at my desk and asked Max to age me as well.
Drew observed that I'll get my dad's nose as I get older.
And WHOA those are some nasty wrinkles. (This, tho? Is the face my eyes see in the mirror every morning...)
I downloaded the app (for a 3 day free trial) and noticed they have a 'Hollywood' filter (in addition to the 'age' filter) and I'd like you all to please apply this app TO YOUR EYES, so that when you look at me in real life, my face's bumps/lumps/divots and creases are all smoothed out.
Also? I should learn to apply make up better. What a difference it makes when your foundation is the right colour and your eyes have liner.
Also. My bangs are grown out.
So I may just keep the app and pay $2 per month to Hollywood my face on all future selfies. CHEAPER than plastic surgery.
(My funeral slide show is gonna be so kickass.)
In other news, I've made some progress on my Summer To Do List:
- Make summer playlist.
Might need help.Ask Facebook hive for recommendations. - Have pretty feet all summer. ⬜Pedicure - July DONE ⬜Pedicure - August
- Go to dentist a million times. APPOINTMENTS MADE ⬜Get tooth #1 capped. ⬜Get tooth #2 capped
- Replace/upgrade phone AND GET A SEXY PHONE CASE THIS TIME SO DONE. Went from an iPhone 6 to an iPhone 8, (PHONE WAS FREEEE) got 4 times the data, and 4 times the storage for $5 less per month. The phone matches my laptop. Rose gold on one side, white on the other. All housed in a (boring, but feminine pink) Otterbox case.
- Download a yoga/stretching app (or find something suitable on Netflix?)
- Read all of Louise Penny's books - Books 3 - 16 ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ Wish I knew how to add check marks to those lil boxes. I'm on Book 8 of the series. Halfway done. I'll need to read more than 1 a week if I want to meet this goal.
- Empty Master Bedroom closet at the lake
- Sort through my bedroom closet in the basement
- Take all resulting bags (of cleaning out closets) to Thrift Store (before Fall)
- Bring contents of Under-the-Stairs closet upstairs for mom to sort through
- See Spiderman movie with kids We're seeing Lion King instead. This Friday. So excited.
- Level up in Pokemon Go (Level 37) Done. I might aim to level up to 38 by Sept 1. Nothing like having meaningful goals.
- Buy new runners
- Buy new shoes for work Done. I don't want to step foot into the mall again this summer.
- Attend NT Wright event (July 24) Gahhhh! It's next week. So looking forward to this. I have 4 tickets; Girls Night Out.
- Temporarily suspend gym membership.Walk 50,000 steps each week of summer. 12 weeks: ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ FAILING miserably with this.
- Learn a new skill (?) DONE? I know how to age someone. And glam someone. That's a skill, no?
- Get camera repaired. DONE! $500 later, it's back in my hands. I missed it.
- Plan, prepare, offer a Basecamp 3 training session at work DONE. Twice.
- Lead devos once Will do on Aug 28
- Do not accept/use a single plastic bag when shopping for groceries. Enter stores prepared. I've improved about 50%.
- Think about trying Whole 30. In August. But don't beat yourself up if this doesn't happen. It sounds awful
- Tackle the filing at work. Maybe do this in 4 efforts. File for two hours ⬜⬜⬜⬜ I reassessed the situation today and may have underestimated the size of the project.
- Read bookclub book: The Eyre Affair
- Walk in 8 different neighbourhoods. Drop off books in a shared library stand. ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ Walked in East Van, forgot to bring books. I suck.
- Take 5 sunny days off work (unused vacation days) Go to a different beach each time: ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ First one will be this Monday.
- Try kayaking. Or not. I looked at the kayak last Sunday.
- Watch the sun set from the lookout/viewpoint on Cypress Mountain
- Talk to someone smart about trees, specifically about the ones in front of the house at Cultus.
- Go to Bard on the Beach or Theatre Under the Stars Going to BOTH. Daughter-in-laws are the best.
- Ride the Roller Coaster at Playland.
- Make some decisions about May 2020 trip with kids
- Move furniture into alcove in basement. Will need boys help. Be creative in asking.
- Celebrate July birthdays DONE. Maxine. Patricia. Marg.
- Celebrate August birthdays
- Read Brene' Brown's Dare to Lead book
- Try blogging 3 Things I'm Thankful For five times a week? WHOA, major fail.
- Possibly come up with 12 more things. Was aiming for 50 items on this list. Attend a White Rock FREE CONCERT night. Bring lawnchairs and a friend; watch the sunset, listen to cover bands. DOING THIS TONIGHT! Beatles and Eagles songs for the win.
- See Louise Penny at the end of the summer. TICKETS BOUGHT. 4 of us going. It's a Penny Summer... I love seasons with a theme.
- Do a few photo shoots in front of grafitti'd/mural-ed walls in Vancouver. FIRST ONE DONE. Anyone want to pose/model/have a photo shoot done next time?
- Make appointment to have moles removed from back. OH MY GOODNESS, so DONE. It took two and a half hours. Felt like 1000 angry bees were stinging me. Worked from home for 3 days covered in an ancient, secret, smelly, magical Indian ointment. My back has been itchy for a week. Starting to heal now; except for one. I think it's infected. Blechhhh.
- Get suspicious lump removed from left boob. (Biopsy results came back last week. Betty's gotta go. Odds are in my favor; 90/10. So I'm only 10% worried.) WILL BE DONE on Friday morning. Aach, Summer 2019 -so much slicing and dicing and burning on my body. I love a season with a theme. Haha.
- Go for a ride on that lil boat on the Fraser River in New West.
- Is there still an umbrella art installation in Yaletown? I want to go there and take pics.
- Be ready and available for an unexpected opportunity.
- Put away my Christmas decorations. HOW EMBARRASSING. Haha. My display is still up. I hardly even notice it.
- Buy colourful pillows for my very white room at the lake.
- Go on a picnic.
- Listen to a sermon series/Back to the Bible series.
- Find a new eyebrow threading place.
Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Summer evenings with friends.
2. Good books.
3. Lousy weather while my back was healing.
4. Plans.
5. Comfy beds.
6. My fam.
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